
Developer Tools Exploit 124+ (Official Build) (stable) ⚒️

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Extension/Devtools code execution

How to use

$ git clone https://github.com/fwsmasher/rigtools 
$ cd rigtools
$ npm i
# Create a file named `server_config.json`
# Then paste in `{"updater_url":"localhost:8080"}` (Or whatever your websocket URL is)
$ npm start
  • Then visit devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html in your browser
  • Open a new tab and visit devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?experiments=true&ws=*websocket url*
  • Click on Network
  • Then click on the gray box twice


  • Entry
    • Entrypoint (or main script) when running devtools xss.
    • Payload
    • Script passed to extension to run code, such as disabling extensions.
  • Chrome URLs
    • Elevated URLs that have extra access to features such as WebUI.
    • Only modify the entrypoint when necessary. If not modified properly, thigns such as the updater will break, do not remove any buttons and reuse ids.

Release information

  • Release 0.0.1
    • This release contains the following things:
      • Updater
      • Extension debugging
      • Devtools debugging
      • Chrome url debugging.