
The goal of this script is to implement metaMix. metaMix is a package for resolving complex metagenomic mixtures by analyzing deep sequencing data using a mixture model-based approach.

As for more details, please check on the metaMix package website. Also, you can look into reference manual, user guide and related paper.


Our environment is Ubuntu 20.04 (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-41-generic x86_64). Some prerequest for this implementation are as follows.

# Install Ubuntu packages
sudo apt install openmpi-bin  # openMPI to run metaMix
sudo apt install wget  # GNU Wget to download BLAST data
sudo apt install samtools  # Samtools to get read weights
sudo apt install r-base  # R

# Install R packages
# Rscript -e 'install.packages("metaMix")'

# original metaMix 0.3 have a broken parallel.temper.nucl function
Rscript -e 'install.packages("remotes")'
Rscript -e 'remotes::install_github("fo40225/metaMix", upgrade = "never")'

Rscript -e 'install.packages("argparse")'


Since there are several files required for running metaMix, preprocessing is inevitable. The files prepared for running metaMix including blast_out.txt, readweights.txt and names.dmp, which can be obtained in the following steps. For initial users, you can use sample files offered by metaMix package simply by using the code below, and jumped to the section Usage of metaMix. For other users who want to use your own data, you can go through Preprocess section to get files to run metaMix.

# Get sample files
cp /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/metaMix/extdata/ .  # get
cp /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/metaMix/extdata/ .  # get
cp /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/metaMix/extdata/names_example.dmp .  # get names_example.dmp

mv blast_out.txt  # rename as blast_out.txt
mv readweights.txt  # rename as readweights.txt
mv names_example.dmp names.dmp  # rename as names.txt

Step 0. Prepare sample files

Sample files should be prepared by your own, including fa and bam. In this implementation, we named the sample files as sample.fa and sample.bam, while sample.fa is contig along with reads and sample.bam is reads mapped to the contig.

Step 1. Get BLAST output

The first step is to get output from BLAST, while sample.fa is the input file. The goal in this step is to compare a nucleotide query sequence against a protein sequence database. To get the results, you can either use blastx on the BLAST website or use our code shown below. Just be aware that for the BLAST site, sequences that are too long are prohibited.

The database we use in this step is non-redundant protein sequences (nr) from NCBI. You can use other databases that suit your needs. Check BLAST database to see all the options.

By using our code, you can get blast_out.txt as the result.

# Get BLAST bin
tar axvf ncbi-blast-2.13.0+-x64-linux.tar

# Get BLAST NCBI nr database
# [Note] Modify this part if you want to use other BLAST databases.
# [Note] This step may take a long time (can be up to 4 hours). Please be patient and stay connected to the Internet.
mkdir blast_db
cd blast_db
ls -1 nr.*.tar.gz | parallel tar axf
cd ..

# Run blastx and get BLAST output
# [Note] query should be the direction of the input fa file.
# [Note] This step may also take a long time if the sequence is long.
ncbi-blast-2.13.0+/bin/blastx -db blast_db/nr \
    -query sample.fa \
    -outfmt "6 qacc qlen sacc slen mismatch bitscore length pident evalue staxids" \
    -out blast_out.txt \
    -num_threads $(nproc)

In this step, if you want to translate nucleotide query sequence (input) into pretein and compare against BLAST database, use blastx along with nr as database, which is written in the above code. Otherwise, if you want to directly compare the input against BLAST, use blastn along with nt as database.

Step 2. Get read weights

The next step of preprocessing is getting read weights from sample.bam. Here we use samtools coverage as our tool and get readweights.txt as the result.

# Run samtools coverage to get read weights
# [Note] -H should be followed by the direction of the input bam file.
samtools coverage -H sample.bam | cut -f 1,4 > readweights.txt

Step 3. Get taxonomy names file

The final step of preprocessing is to get names.dmp, which can simply be downloaded and extracted from NCBI.

# Download taxdump.tar.gz and get names.dmp by unzipping it
# [Note] After unzipping, not only names.dmp but also other several files will be extracted from taxdump.tar.gz. 
#        Just ignore them since they have nothing to do with the results.
tar axvf taxdump.tar.gz

Usage of metaMix

After all the preprocess work, you can start to run metaMix by using runMetamix.R. Three files including blast_out.txt, readweights.txt and names.dmp will be the input of this R script. In the end, you can get output.txt as the final result file!

# Run metaMix and get the final output
# [Note] Running this script may take some time for the analysis.
# [Note] If blast_out.txt comes from blastn, use 'nucl' as type instead of 'prot'.
# [Note] Threads can't be less than 2 or greater than the number of physical cores minus one (i.e. num_physical_cores - 1) [Default: 12].
Rscript runMetamix.R \
  --reads_blast blast_out.txt \
  --reads_weights readweights.txt \
  --taxonomy_names taxdump/names.dmp \
  --output output.txt \
  --type 'prot' \
  --read_support 10 \
  --poster_prob_thr 0.9 \
  --threads 12