
Appium You.i Engine Driver

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Appium You.i Engine Driver

Appium You.i Engine Driver is a test automation tool for devices of various platforms running applications built with You.i Engine. Appium You.i Driver automates You.i Engine applications, tested on simulators and real devices. Appium You.i Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool.

iOS Support

Appium You.i Engine Driver supports iOS versions 8+

Android Support

Appium You.i Engine Driver supports Android versions 4.1+ (API level 16+)


npm install appium-youiengine-driver

Desired Capabilities

Desired capabilities (caps) are a set of keys and values (i.e., a map or hash) sent to the Appium server to tell the server what kind of automation session we’re interested in starting up. These caps are defined in the appium.txt file. There are various capabilities which can modify the behavior of the server during automation.

Capability Description Values
youiEngineAppAddress The IP address of the device on which the app is running. localhost for simulator. Device’s IP address for a real device localhost, <device’s IP address>
youiEngineAppPort The socket port used by the app. Default: 12345, Default for PS4: 40123
fullSourceTree Sets the source tree to use all elements (not only displayed ones) Default: false

Minimum required capabilities per platform

Below is a sample of the minimum required caps per platform.


Capability Simulator Real device
app <path to the app> <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine YouiEngine
deviceName <iOS Simulator device name> <device’s name>
platformName iOS iOS
platformVersion <iOS version> <iOS version>
udid <device’s udid> <device’s udid>
xcodeOrgId <Team ID> <Team ID>
youiEngineAppAddress localhost <device’s IP address>


Capability Real device Emulator
app <path to the app> <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine YouiEngine
deviceName <cannot be left blank> <cannot be left blank>
udid <device’s ID> <device’s ID>
platformName Android Android
youiEngineAppAddress1 <device’s IP address> localhost
avd N/A <Android Virtual Device Name>

1 For emulator, Port forwarding is required to forward the port from the host machine to the emulated device. Use the following command: adb forward tcp:12345 tcp:12345


Support added in 5.0+

Capability Real device
app <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine
deviceName <cannot be left blank>
platformName Mac
youiEngineAppAddress localhost

You.i macOS (does not use appium-mac-driver)

Support added in 5.0+

Capability Real device
app <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine
deviceName <cannot be blank>
platformName YIMac
showXcodeLog1 true
youiEngineAppAddress localhost

1 Optional.

You.i Linux

Support added in 5.0+

Capability Real device
app <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine
deviceName <cannot be blank>
platformName YiLinux
youiEngineAppAddress localhost

You.i tvOS

Support added in 5.0+ * If another app is installed with You.i's socket, it may connect to it. All You.i apps should be deleted before running Appium.

Capability Real device
app <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine
deviceName <cannot be blank>
platformName YItvOS
udid <device’s udid>
youiEngineAppAddress <device’s IP address>


Support added in 5.0+ * If another app is installed with You.i's socket, it may connect to it. All You.i apps should be deleted before running Appium.

Capability Simulator Real device
app <path to the app> <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine YouiEngine
deviceName <tvOS Simulator device name> <device’s name>
platformName tvos tvos
udid <device’s udid> <device’s udid>
xcodeOrgId <Team ID> <Team ID>
youiEngineAppAddress localhost <device’s IP address>


Support added in 5.0+

Capability Real device
app <path to the app>
automationName YouiEngine
channelId1 <App's channel ID>
deviceName <cannot be blank>
password <dev account password>
platformName BlueSky
username <dev account username>
youiEngineAppAddress <device’s IP address>

1 Optional (default is dev)

Connect to App

To connect to an already launched app. Useful for debugging app or testing a platform which currently doesn't have install/launch/close/remove methods.

Capability Real device
app1 <cannot be blank>
automationName YouiEngine
deviceName <cannot be blank>
platformName ConnectToApp
youiEngineAppAddress <device’s IP address>

1 Some libraries will look to validate the app path so you may need to add a valid app path even though it will not be installed.


  • For iOS 8+, set the following on your device: Settings -> Developer -> Set UI Automation -> true
  • xcodeOrgId
  • Android device name: found using adb devices

Supported Commands

Command Engine Version Support
Clear Element 4.2.5+
Click 4.2.1+
Execute Mobile Command1 5.5.0+
Find Element2 4.2.1+
Find Elements2 4.2.1+
Get Element Attribute3 4.2.1+
Get All Contexts 4.2.1+
Get Current Context 4.2.1+
Get Element Location 4.2.5+
Get Element Size 4.2.5+
Get Element Text 4.2.7+
Get Page Source 4.2.1+
Get Window Size 4.4.5+
Go Back 5.0+
Hide Keyboard 5.2.0+
Is Element Displayed 4.2.5+
Is Element Enabled 4.2.7+
Is Element Selected4 4.2.5+ (5.12+ for React Native projects)
Is Keyboard Shown 5.2.0+
Long Tap 4.2.7+
Move 4.2.7+
Remove App 4.2.1+
Retrieve Device Settings 4.2.5+
Send Keys5 4.2.1+
Settings6 4.2.5+
Set Implicit Wait Timeout 4.2.1+
Set Timeouts 4.2.1+
Take Screenshot 4.2.1+
Touch Down 4.2.7+
Touch Up 4.2.7+
Update Device Settings 4.4.5+
Element Screenshot 5.18.0+
Get Context any
Get All Contexts any
Set Current Context any

1 See Mobile commands below

2 See Selector strategies below

3 See Attributes below

4 Only works for toggle buttons (C++) and elements that have the Selected AccessibilityState property enabled (React Native)

5 Starting with 5.0, you can send a general keypress (not targeted at an element), by using sendkeys on the root element

6 See Settings below

Proxied Command (iOS, Android)
Background App
Close an App
Get available log types
Get Orientation
Get App Strings
Is App Installed
Launch App
Set Orientation
Proxied Command (iOS only)
Proxied Command (Android only)
Is Device Locked
Long Press Key Code
Press Key Code
Toggle Location Services

Mobile Commands

Command Description Argument Argument Example
mobile:pressButton Press a physical button. The available button options can be found here {name} {name: "Gamepad0"}
mobile:shell Execute ADB shell commands (requires insecure feature adb_shell to be enabled) Read this page {'command': 'echo', 'args': ['arg1', 'arg2']}

Mobile Commands Example


The following attributes can be queried using attribute

An attributes filter can be added to the supported search strategies (name, class, id, accessibility id) by appending the following format to the strategy value: [@attributeType='attributeValue']

Examples (Ruby):

find_element(name: "Title[@text='Big Buck Bunny']")

find_element(class: "PushButtonView[@isHittable='true']")

Attribute Return Type Engine Version Support
className string 4.5.1+
compositeOpacity float 4.2.14+
hasOpacity bool 4.5.1+
hasFocus bool 4.5.1+
id string 4.5.1+
isEnabled bool 5.0+
isDisplayed bool 4.5.1+
isFullyDisplayed bool 4.5.2+
isHittable bool 4.5.1+
isHorizontalScrolling bool 4.5.2+
isScrolling bool 4.5.2+
isSelected bool 5.0+
localOpacity float 4.2.14+
name string 4.2.1+
text string 4.5.1+
visibilityFlag bool 4.5.1+


The following commands are used with getSettings and updateSettings

Examples (Ruby):


update_settings TimeDilation: 10

update_settings SourceTreeFilter: "[@isDisplayed='true']"

Retrieve Settings Example

Update Settings Example

Settings Engine Version Support Value
TimeDilation 4.4.5+ float (>0)
SourceTreeFilter 4.5.1+ string (format: [@attributeType='attributeValue'])

Selector strategies

Supported selector strategies
class name
accessibility id
1 Starting with 5.0, id selector can be used to search for React Native testID.

Hybrid Apps

To support hybrid application automation, we added a context called YOUI_APP that represents the current driver and another context called NATIVE_APP which represents the driver used under the hood

Attention ❗: In case a deeper context than NATIVE_APP is used and then you want to continue with YOUI_APP, make sure you switch back to NATIVE_APP first and only then to YOUI_APP

Platform Name Appium Driver
ios, tvos appium-xcuitest-driver
android appium-uiautomator2-driver
mac appium-mac-driver