Connect N Player Template

Primary Goal

  • Publish an implementation of Player to artifactory. Become familiar with software workflows and artifact deployment.

Secondary Goal

  • Produce a champion connect N AI.


  • Fork this repo into a personal group on
  • Change the firstname and surname properties in the pom.xml to your name
  • Move the class NameAI from the package to the package
  • Rename the NameAI class to whatever you would like to call your AI. Bonus credit for a funny name.
  • Implement your Connect N AI logic inside makeMove


  • For the competition, we will set the width of the board to 10, height to 8, and n to 4. In the case of a draw between two ais, we will change n to 3, so make sure you don't hard-code these parameters in your code (get them from board.getGameConfig())
  • Feel free to copy/improve the analysis code here, although if you do copy it, make sure you change the package so it doesn't conflict with the fully qualified class name in connect n.
  • Your solution must use less than 2G of Heap, and terminate within 10 seconds on whichever machine is executing it. Your jar should be no larger than 10MB.
  • You may calculate a move database, which can be stored inside your jar. However, no calls to internet services are allowed.
  • If your AI makes a foul move or violates the performance constraints above, it will forfeit the game.

Making your submission

Once you're ready to submit your entry:

  • Change the version in the pom.xml from x-SNAPSHOT to x (e.g. x=1.0)
  • Run the command mvn deploy
  • Check that the artifact appears in artifactory
    • If it isn't there, or your deploy command fails, your maven environment isn't set up correctly. Speak to Shaun.
  • Push your code to git to keep a record of the source code for version x
  • In your pom.xml, increment x and add -SNAPSHOT at the end (e.g. go from 1.0 to 1.1-SNAPSHOT) to get ready for the next version
  • Update this spreadsheet with this version


If your solution is in artifactory and the spreadsheet by , your solution will be entered in the contest. Later submissions may also be included, but this will be on a best-effort basis.