A go module which get information about applications running on macOS
Download module
go get github.com/foamzou/go-mac-app-info
Get app info, example
package main
import (
MacInfo "github.com/foamzou/go-mac-app-info"
func main() {
info, _ := MacInfo.GetInfo(48197) // Pass the pid of mac app which is running
fmt.Println(info.LocalizedName) // 网易云音乐
fmt.Println(info.ProcessName) // NeteaseMusic
fmt.Println(info.ExecutableURL) // file:///private/var/folders/z_/1jhr05q92nb0xfn6l8jj0r5c0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/9FB995AD-7879-4275-A9A2-5592C8238632/d/NeteaseMusic.app/Contents/MacOS/NeteaseMusic
fmt.Println(info.LaunchDate) // 2021-05-04 22:56:44.948 +0000 UTC
fmt.Println(info.BundleIdentifier) // com.netease.163music
saveImage(info.Icon) // type of info.Icon is []byte, We can save it to disk or show to UI
func saveImage(imgByte []byte) {
img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(imgByte))
if err != nil {
out, _ := os.Create("./img.png")
defer func(out *os.File) {
err := out.Close()
if err != nil {
err = png.Encode(out, img)
if err != nil {
Use the API of Objective-C: NSRunningApplication runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier
Cgo support call OC code from golang.
There are two branch
- [bridge-swift-via-objectiveC] I try to call swift code through OC bridge
- [directly-swift] I try to call swift without write OC code
I prefer to write swift than OC, so I try to use swift firstly. But I found that the program must rely on the dynamic link library(which be created through compile swift code) to run if use swift. This will increase the user's cost of use, which is not what I want.
So I have to use OC, pls tell me how can use swift without dll dependence if you have any good trick. Although it sounds unlikely :)