
[ARCHIVED] My home kubernetes cluster powered with Flux2 and k8s

Repo is now deprecated in favour for a single node k3s homelab setup due to rising electricity costs and a £350 monthly electric bill.

The new project can be found at @fobiat/k3s-homelab

A kubernetes cluster powered by GitOps
Member of the k8s-at-home community
Github - https://github.com/k8s-at-home
Repo's - https://github.com/k8s-at-home/awesome-home-kubernetes
Discord - https://discord.gg/RGvKzVg


This kubernetes cluster is run on a Dell Poweredge R720 with 12core/24thread and 128gb RAM. Proxmox for the hypervisor with 5 Ubuntu Server 20.04lts VMs and a 24TB ZFS pool for backup and storage.

Node Specification
master0.resolv.sh 6 Cores, 16GB, 20.04LTS, control-plane,master
master1.resolv.sh 6 Cores, 16GB, 20.04LTS, control-plane,master
master2.resolv.sh 6 Cores, 16GB, 20.04LTS, control-plane,master
node0.resolv.sh 6 Cores, 16GB, 20.04LTS, worker
node1.resolv.sh 6 Cores, 16GB, 20.04LTS, worker


This cluster uses a number of tools to work properly:

  • Kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Orchestration Automated container deployment, scaling, and management.
  • Kubespray - Uses Ansible to deploy a highly avaliable production ready cluster.
  • Containerd - An industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness and portability.
  • Flux2 - Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Powered by GitOps Toolkit.
  • Github - Code hosting platform for version control and collaboration.
  • Calico - an open source networking and network security solution for containers.
  • MetalLB - load-balancer implementation for bare metal Kubernetes clusters.