
Focus Shift GmbH Landingpage

Primary LanguageCSS

Focus Shift Software GmbH - Landingpage


  • eleventy static site generator: builds the static html sites which can be found in build
    • including assets (css, js) which will be copied

start developing with hot module reloading in the browser:

first install all dependencies with

npm install

then run

npm run dev

build the production page:

npm run build

git hooks (optional)

Zum Automatisieren verschiedener Dinge bietet dir das Projekt git hooks an. Diese kannst du mit folgendem Befehl installieren:

git config core.hooksPath '.githooks'

Die Git-Hooks sind im .githooks Verzeichnis zu finden.

The production build

  • creates non optimized html files with eleventy
  • optimizes (e.g. minfies) html files with @snowpack/plugin-optimize
  • optimizes css via @snowpack/plugin-postcss
  • add content hashes to scripts and stylesheets with ./snowpack-plugin-cache-bust