
A local upscaler using Replicate

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A local image upscaler using Replicate. Upscale images using a high-resolution controlnet model:




  1. Make a Replicate account and set your token:

    export REPLICATE_API_TOKEN=<token>


  1. Install the required packages from requirements.txt using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Make the script upscale executable:

    chmod u+x upscale
  3. You can run the script directly using the following command:

    ./upscale path_to_your_image.png

    This will upscale the image at the specified path using the default parameters.

  4. Optionally, you can add the script to your PATH to run it from anywhere. To make this change persistent across sessions, add the export command to your shell's configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile for bash, ~/.zshrc for zsh):

    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/script/directory' >> ~/.bashrc

    Then, source your shell's configuration file to apply the change immediately:

    source ~/.bashrc

You can also specify additional parameters such as steps, strength, scheduler, guess_mode, resolution, guidance_scale, condition_scale, negative_prompt, and prompt. For example:

./upscale path_to_your_image.png --steps 30 --strength 0.5

This will upscale the image with 30 steps and a strength of 0.5.

The upscaled image will be saved in the same directory as the original image with -upscaled appended to the original file name.


Option Type Default Description
image_path str None The path to the image to upscale
steps int 60 Number of inference steps
strength float 0.45 Denoising strength. 1 means total destruction of the original image
scheduler str "K_EULER" Scheduler type. Choices: "DDIM", "DPMSolverMultistep", "K_EULER_ANCESTRAL", "K_EULER"
guess_mode bool True In this mode, the ControlNet encoder will try best to recognize the content of the input image even if you remove all prompts. The guidance_scale between 3.0 and 5.0 is recommended
resolution int 2048 Resolution. Choices: 2048, 2560, 3072, 4096
guidance_scale int 4 Scale for classifier-free guidance
condition_scale int 1 Conditioning scale for controlnet
negative_prompt str "ugly, broken, deformed, distorted" Negative prompt for the upscaling process
prompt str " " Describe the image to improve upscale, can increase hallucination
output_file_path str None The path where the upscaled image will be saved. If not specified, the upscaled image will be saved in the same directory as the original image with -upscaled appended to the original file name