Skills in Spring, Data manipulation and JAX RS
Here you will find a scaffold of a project that aims to expose a REST service to list cities. You need to upgrade the project to the newest versions and implement this service using any necessary means.
- Java (preferably Java 8 and Functional programming as much as possible)
- RESTFull service
- Data manipulation layer
- Spring 4 and Spring-boot
- Maven
The actual implementation uses H2 in memory as the database. You will find also the scripts for MySQL. The scripts insert a few entries in each table.
Proposed exercise
The candidate must:
Create Entity classes for the tables, including relationships
Create the Data manipulation layer. Feel free to use structure or framework you like (JPA, JDBC, Spring Data, etc).
Create a GET REST service to retrieve the list of cities in the database, and return them as a JSON object.
The service may receive the query param "country" as a String, to restrict the search. The parameter may be part of the Country name http://server:port/rest/cities[?country=name]
Create an operation to load data into the database (Here you're free to be creative. You can load data from a simple CSV, a spreadsheet, a rest service, etc...)
Feel free to modify the files included, upgrade frameworks, add or remove packages, in every aspect you want. Just check the note regarding JUnit tests below.
Expected results
After the implementation, the application should run after the following command line:
java -jar target/spring-jpa-jersey.jar
mvn spring-boot:run
or deploy on Tomcat, or Jetty or an Application Server, as long as you include instructions for the deploy.
Then, open a browser and type :
It must return, at least the following (ids may vary) :
"name":"New York",
"name":"United States"
"name":"Los Angeles",
"name":"United States"
"name":"United States"
Unit tests
Included you will find JUnit tests, with commented lines. Those tests must run after the lines are uncommented.
** PLUS: It would be great if you can come up with unit and integration tests separately in their apropriate building phases.