- 2
no new rubygems created
#537 opened by fmoehler - 4
Ruby 3.0 support
#522 opened by maciejpankanin - 4
undefined method `=~' for 3:Integer
#535 opened by EdgeCaseLord - 2
#520 opened by mephmanx - 0
tempAuth use
#525 opened by prtngn - 0
Storage API to update the directory info
#519 opened by pyon-yx - 0
Add volume_id to Snapshot model
#516 opened by SerjSivkov - 0
- 1
- 16
broken auth_url
#492 opened by rokroskar - 3
Content-type not recognized on upload object
#502 opened by VincentSim - 0
[Feature request] add support to set custom properties and tags for project
#511 opened by okleinschmidt - 1
- 4
Multiple endpoints found (Fog::OpenStack::Auth::Catalog::EndpointError) - not sure how to resolve
#509 opened by powerje - 0
Support authenticating with application credentials
#510 opened by Lasering - 0
- 0
- 0
Invalid input for field 'scope/project/name': *** is not of type 'string'
#503 opened by tonymadbrain - 0
Support equivalent of "OS_INTERFACE=public"
#496 opened by eLvErDe - 13
Auto-retry idempotent requests
#453 opened by NautiluX - 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Travis failing
#471 opened by ShamoX - 26
- 2
version 0.3.5 API changes
#449 opened by ideaship - 3
- 6
Region Issue: OpenStack SDK throwing error while trying to call the cloud services from some regions.
#405 opened by sachinjagtap41 - 6
- 2
- 4
version 0.3.1 changes APIs
#434 opened by ideaship - 4
- 1
Version 0.2.0 breaks when endpoints in the catalog have a version attached to them
#420 opened by horazont - 2
Typo in code
#394 opened by FactoryGirl - 6
401 Unauthorized: Temp URL invalid
#372 opened by fmh - 1
support new vnc console api
#400 opened by easyljy - 13
Unable to call Volume Services(EVS) SDK by referring fog-openstack example code
#395 opened by click2cloud-aniketp - 18
OpenLab CI integration
#385 opened by gildub - 5
Let's promote @aufi to core maintainer
#371 opened by gildub - 1
Excon error on expected status code unmatched
#373 opened by kensoncheung - 2
Need Ruby 2.0.0 support for fog-openstack.
#384 opened by sleepyorion - 4
- 2
Keystone cache or TTL ?
#387 opened by thomaschauffour - 0
User to be able to override endpoint
#381 opened by gildub - 2
fog-openstack 0.1.23 incompatible with fog-core 2.0.0
#368 opened by WalterS - 3
New 0.1.24 release needs gem push to rubygems
#370 opened by gildub - 4
X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version header empty value
#359 opened by shoudusse - 0
- 4
- 2