
Fog library for the Oracle Cloud

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Module for the 'fog' gem to support the Oracle Cloud (IaaS and PaaS)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fog-oraclecloud'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fog-oraclecloud


Before you can use fog-oraclecloud, you must require it in your application:

require 'fog/oraclecloud'

Since it's a bad practice to have your credentials in source code, you should load them from default fog configuration file: ~/.fog. This file could look like this:

  oracle_username: <USERNAME>
  oracle_password: <PASSWORD>
  oracle_domain: <IDENTITY DOMAIN>
  oracle_region: <emea or remove if using US data centre>
  oracle_compute_api: <COMPUTE API>
  oracle_storage_api: <STORAGE_API>

Example: Java Cloud Service

Get all Java Instances

instances = Fog::OracleCloud[:java].instances

Create a Java Instance

instance = Fog::OracleCloud[:java].instances.create(
    :service_name => 'TestWLS',
    :description => 'A new weblogic instance',
    :dba_name => 'SYS',
    :dba_password => 'password',
    :db_service_name => 'TestDB',
    :admin_password => 'Welcome1$',
    :admin_username => 'weblogic',
    :shape => 'oc3',
    :version => '12.2.1',
    :ssh_key => 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...',

Delete an instance

instance = Fog::OracleCloud[:java].instances.get('TestWLS')
# Have to add the database details in so that the tables in the database can be removed
instance.dba_name = 'Admin'
instance.dba_password = 'password'

Supported Services

The following services are supported:

  • Java Cloud Service
    • create_instance
    • delete_instance
    • get_instance
    • get_server
    • list_instances
    • list_servers
  • SOA Cloud Service
    • create_instance
    • delete_instance
    • get_instance
    • list_instances
  • Database Cloud Service
    • backup_instance
    • create_instance
    • create_snapshot
    • delete_instance
    • delete_snapshot
    • get_instance
    • get_snapshot
    • list_backups
    • list_instances
    • list_patches
    • list_recoveries
    • list_servers
    • list_snapshots
    • recover_instance
    • scale_instance
  • Compute Cloud Servcice
    • create_image
    • create_image_list
    • create_instance
    • create_orchestration
    • create_security_application
    • create_security_rule
    • create_ssh_key
    • create_volume
    • delete_image_list
    • delete_instance
    • delete_orchestration
    • delete_security_application
    • delete_ssh_key
    • get_image
    • get_image_list
    • get_instance
    • get_orchestration
    • get_security_application
    • get_security_rule
    • get_ssh_key
    • list_image_lists
    • list_images
    • list_instances
    • list_orchestrations
    • list_security_applications
    • list_security_lists
    • list_security_rules
    • list_ssh_keys
    • list_volumes
    • start_orchestration
    • stop_orchestration
    • update_image
    • update_image_list
    • update_orchestration
    • update_ssh_key
  • Storage Cloud Service
    • create_container
    • delete_container
    • get_container
    • list_containers

These basically align with the REST API documentation on docs.oracle.com. Check there for particulars around parameters, types etc.

Note: The APIs above are slightly modified from the Oracle cloud to provide consistency across requests. Keep in mind the following:

  • All parameters are given in lower camel case (ie: service_name, not ServiceName)
  • For IaaS services you don't need to provide the fully qualified names (ie: Compute/<identity_domain>/). The system will prepend the configured user when necessary
  • The Java and Database configuration has all the parameters as top level attributes (ie: don't configure parameters/content_port, use content_port)
  • Smart defaults are included where possible. Check the code to see.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fog/fog-oraclecloud.