
Simulate the TempleOS process scheduler

Primary LanguageC

TempleOS Research Project


Various formats of the final report and research document have been included, the following commands will copy the pdf formatted documents to the root directory of the project.

cp ./report/report.pdf .
cp ./research/research.pdf .

The report.pdf document is the final report for the project, but research.pdf contains much of the same information in a less formal manner.

View simulation/README.md for information on how to use the simulation program.

Directory Structure

report: Final report
|_ report.<pdf...>

research: Research and discussion
|_ research.<pdf...>

simulation: Simulation programming
|_ src: Source code
  |_ list: Various linked list implementations
    |_ circular_double_link.<c/h>: Circular doubly linked list
    |_ single_link.<c/h>: Singly linked list
  |_ test: Unit tests
    |_ test_circular_double_link.<c/h>
    |_ test_single_link.<c/h>
  |_ adam.<c/h>: Adam Task simulation
  |_ config.h: Program configuration
  |_ main.c: Simulation entry point
  |_ process.<c/h>: Process type and helper functions
  |_ ready_queue.<c/h>: Scheduler ready queue
  |_ seth.<c/h>: Seth Task simulation
|_ makefile
|_ project-processes.txt: Simulation input file
|_ README.md: Simulation readme

README.md: Project readme