
OpenVDB Development Repository

Primary LanguageC++

                          OpenVDB Development Repository

This GitHub repository hosts the trunk of the OpenVDB development. This implies
that it is the newest public version with the latest features and bug fixes.
However, it also means that it has not undergone a lot of testing and is
generally less stable than  the production releases that we will continue to
deliver as tar-balls at www.openvdb.org/download

For documentation of the library and code examples see:

General discussion forum:

                           Contributor License Agreement

Developers who wish to contribute code to be considered for inclusion in the
OpenVDB distribution must first complete this Contributor License Agreement:

and submit it to DreamWorks (directions are in the CLA). We prefer code
submissions in the form of pull requests to this repository, and all code
should adhere to the OpenVDB coding standards: