mastodon-jihou-bot (Mastodon 時報 Bot)

release GitHub Release

mastodon-jihou-bot is a Mastodon bot that posts the time every hour.


This bot is running on


This bot is running on AWS Lambda function and triggered by Amazon EventBridge every hour.

graph LR
    eventbridge[Amazon EventBridge] -- trigger --> lambda[AWS Lambda]
    lambda -- post --> mastodon[Mastodon Server]


1. Create a Mastodon account for the bot

Create a Mastodon account for the bot manually. You can use any Mastodon server you like.

2. Create a Mastodon application

Go to https://<mastodon-domain>/settings/applications/new and create an application with your bot account. The only permission you need is write:statuses.

3. Create a Lambda function and EventBridge

Create a Lambda function and EventBridge with the following settings:

  • Runtime: provided.al2
  • Architecture: arm64
  • Handler: index.handler
  • Timeout: 10 sec (or more)
  • Memory: 128 MB (minimum)
  • Environment Variables:
    • MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN: Access token of the Mastodon application
  • Cron: 0 * * * ? * (every hour)