
Demo Contact App with Sails

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sails People/Contacts Applikation

Sails_contact is a Sails application. Demoing some aspects of the Framework, find answers to some Question


App currently tested on Node -v 4.2.2. changes to Node version may done in .nvmrc file.

npm run init

npm run init executes

1. npm install
2. bower install
3. npm start to lift Sails

Lift Sails/ Start App

npm start

If sails CLI is in your PATH, you may also start App with sails lift

Build Tool

Sails uses GruntJS as build task runner. All dev, run, build tasks are found in ./tasks/**/*. To replace GruntJS with Gulp read this. Why Gulp.js is awesome, and how to use it with Sails.js

Deploy App

Read deployment process description here.

Fixtures/ Dummy data

On first run the Contact App loads dummy data from ./fixtures/dummy.csv, convert it into a valid JSON String and bulk create dummy contacts against the ORM Connection (Default is localDiskDb)

Fixtures/ Dummy data

On first run the Contact App loads dummy data from ./fixtures/dummy.csv, convert it into a valid JSON String and bulk create dummy contacts against the ORM Connection (Default is localDiskDb)

Unit Test

Unit Tests are writen with Mocha and Supertest and may start with npm test.

To get growl feedback, you need to install terminal-notifier on Mac osX sudo gem install terminal-notifier or read on growl npm page for your operation system.


1. Fix Mocha Bootstrao Bug
2. Implement Unit Tests
3. find Oldest People improvement (More than one was born on one date)
4. AgeGap improvement (generic older/younger, Request Data)
5. some responsive CSS fixes
6. Build pipeline improvement (maybe Gulp)
7. Move to Jade as templateEngine, ejs/HTML sucks