- 2
#25 opened by xrhstosmour - 1
bat colorscheme not applying
#23 opened by harshv5094 - 1
Question regarding the bar you're using
#22 opened by leart-zuka - 1
#21 opened by dsully - 1
Getting error while try up your nvim build.
#16 opened by thyeun - 1
How did you set up your outline's postition?
#19 opened by ogios - 0
Do you mind null-ls got archived?
#20 opened by dakorsun - 1
Accidentally leaked API key
#18 opened by MoritzBoehme - 4
- 2
Rust-tools doesn't appear used here, and if it is, buffer becomes all white text on launch
#7 opened by amaanq - 0
Dynamic structuring of plugins
#13 opened by mattleong - 1
- 1
nVim magic
#3 opened by savchenko - 1
- 1
change color of matching closing element
#4 opened by NoamMuallem - 0
Can I use your nvim config ?
#2 opened by saifulapm