
Automatically expand width of the current window. Maximizes and restore it. And all this with nice animations!

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


  • Automatically expand width of the current window;
  • Maximizes and restores the current window.

And all this with nice animations!


Installation and setup

This plugin requires next dependencies:

Also, if you enable animations, is recommended to set winwidth, winminwidth options to some reasonable and equal values (between 5 and 20 will be OK), and disable equalalways option.

You can install and setup windows.nvim with packer plugin manager using next snippet:

use { "anuvyklack/windows.nvim",
   requires = {
   config = function()
      vim.o.winwidth = 10
      vim.o.winminwidth = 10
      vim.o.equalalways = false


Read about plugins configuration in the documentation.


  • :WindowsEnableAutowidth

    Enable, disable or toggle auto-width feature.

  • :WindowsMaximaze

    Maximize current window. If the window is already maximized, then restore original sizes. When go to another window while current is maximized - all original sizes would restore. If the window will be closed while being maximized, then all other windows would be equalized.

    If you want a keymap — <C-w>z is a fitting choice:

    vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-w>z', '<Cmd>WindowsMaximaze<CR>')


If you have any proposals, what else can be done with this mechanics, you are welcome to open an issue.