
Streamlining parent-child communication with The Elm Architecture

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Streamlining parent-child communication with OutMsg

The OutMsg pattern is a technique for child-parent communication with The Elm Architecture (TEA). It has two components:

  • OutMsg, a user-defined type (just like Msg) with the specific purpose of notifying a parent component.
  • interpretOutMsg, a function that converts OutMsg values into side-effects (commands and changes to the model)

OutMsg values can be captured in the parent's update function, and handled there by interpretOutMsg. The pattern can be extended to work with multiple OutMsg using List or to optionally return no OutMsg using Maybe.

Technical writing is hard: If anything is unclear, please open an issue, or create a PR.

The core idea

Using OutMsg means that the update function of a child component returns a value of type OutMsg. Instead of the usual type:

update : ChildMsg -> ChildModel -> (ChildModel, Cmd ChildMsg)

Its return type is something like this.

update : ChildMsg -> ChildModel -> (ChildModel, Cmd ChildMsg, OutMsg)

In the parent's update function, this library takes care of turning the OutMsg into commands and model changes.

-- in update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-- assuming interpretOutMsg : OutMsg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
ChildComponentMessageWrapper childMsg ->
    ChildComponentModule.update childMsg model.child
        -- update the model with the new child component
        |> OutMessage.mapComponent
            (\newChild -> { model | child = newChild }
        -- convert child cmd to parent cmd
        |> OutMessage.mapCmd ChildComponentMessageWrapper
        -- apply outmsg changes
        |> OutMessage.evaluate interpretOutMsg

An example

As a running example, let's look at TEAs Gif. Let's say that the parent component needs to be notified of any http failures, so it can respond to them. The changes that are described here can be found in this commit, the full code in the examples/intro folder.

Following the pattern, we need to:

  • Change the child's update function to return an OutMsg
  • Write a interpretOutMsg function
  • Wire everything up in the parent's update function

Changes to the child

The child's update function is defined as follows:

-- Gif.elm 

type Msg
  = MorePlease
  | FetchSucceed String
  | FetchFail Http.Error

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
  case msg of
    MorePlease ->
      (model, getRandomGif model.topic)

    FetchSucceed newUrl ->
      (Model model.topic newUrl, Cmd.none)

    FetchFail _ ->
      (model, Cmd.none)

We change the return type to include a Maybe OutMsg, which means that the following needs to change:

-- old 
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
(model, getRandomGif model.topic)
-- new
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg, Maybe OutMsg)
(model, getRandomGif model.topic, Nothing)

The complete new update function becomes:

-- Gif.elm 

-- explicitly expose all OutMsg constructors
module Gif exposing (Model, init, Msg, update, view, subscriptions, OutMsg(..))

type OutMsg
    = SomethingWentWrong Http.Error

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Maybe OutMsg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        MorePlease ->
            ( model, getRandomGif model.topic, Nothing )

        FetchSucceed newUrl ->
            ( Model model.topic newUrl, Cmd.none, Nothing )

        FetchFail e ->
            ( model, Cmd.none, Just <| SomethingWentWrong e )

Changes to the parent

The OutMsg value can now be extracted by the parent

-- Parent.elm
    ( left, leftCmds, outMsg) = 
        Gif.update leftMsg model.left

To turn the OutMsg into commands and model changes (side-effects), we need a function:

interpretOutMsg : OutMsg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)

Notice the similarity between update and interpretOutMsg.

update :             Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
interpretOutMsg : OutMsg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)

A dummy interpretOutMsg could be

-- Parent.elm 

-- import all the child's OutMsg constructors
import Gif exposing (OutMsg(..))

interpretOutMsg : Gif.OutMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
interpretOutMsg outmsg model =
    case outmsg of
        SomethingWentWrong err ->
                _ =
                    Debug.log "A child component had an http error" (toString err)
                ( model, Cmd.none )


The only thing that remains is wiring, but that seems to become a hairy affair very quickly. That is where this library comes in.

For brevity I will only work with the Right branch of the parent's update function. This is what the wiring looks like:

-- Parent.elm 
        Right rightMsg ->
                -- call update of the child component
                ( right, rightCmds, outMsg) =
                    Gif.update rightMsg model.right

                -- add the updated child component to the model
                newModel = 
                    Model model.left right 
                -- interpret the outMsg using the updated model
                (newerModel, outCommands) = 
                    case outMsg of 
                        Just v -> 
                            interpretOutMsg v newModel
                        Nothing -> 
                            ( model, Cmd.none )
                ( newerModel 
                , Cmd.batch 
                    -- map the child commands (wrap them in a parent Msg)
                    [ Cmd.map Right rightCmds
                    , outCommands

Not very pretty. This kind of code is extremely error-prone, because the updating the state and accumulating commands is done manually. Most of these steps are boilerplate. Using this package, the above can be written much more succinctly as

    Right rightMsg ->
            Gif.update rightMsg model.right
                -- add the updated child component to the model
                |> OutMessage.mapComponent (\newChild -> Model model.left newChild)
                -- map the child's commands to parent commands
                |> OutMessage.mapCmd Right
                -- Give OutMsg to effects function and a default command (for Nothing)
                |> OutMessage.evaluateMaybe interpretOutMsg Cmd.none

At the end of this, you are left with normal (Model, Cmd Msg) tuple.

A naive way to achieve parent-child communication is to (ab)use the child's Msg type. In the parent's update function, the child Msg type can be pattern matched on. When a Msg is of a certain value, the parent can take action. In the Gif example, that could look like this:

-- Parent.elm
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Left leftMsg ->
                ( left, leftCmds ) =
                    Gif.update leftMsg model.left
                reportFailure = 
                    case leftMsg of 
                        FetchFail err -> Just err
                        _ -> Nothing
                ( Model left model.right
                , Cmd.map Left leftCmds

        Right rightMsg ->
                ( right, rightCmds ) =
                    Gif.update rightMsg model.right

                reportFailure = 
                    case rightMsg of 
                        FetchFail err -> Just err
                        _ -> Nothing
                ( Model model.left right
                , Cmd.map Right rightCmds

The main problem is that this abuse of Msg does not play well with TEA. The purpose of Msg is clearly defined within TEA. Giving a Msg extra meaning will reliably confuse other elm users and may not play nicely with libraries. In addition, there are cases when sending an a message to the parent should not have further effects. Creating a Msg constructor for this action will extend the child's update function with an extra pattern match that is effectively a NoOp.


This idea is not mine, and has been shaped by chats with numerous people on the elm slack channel.