My bash settings.
Download the files and place them in your root directory (~/.filename)
Or take the parts of the code you need and put them in your own .bash_profile or .bashrc.
If you decide to use my aliases and my profile, put both files in the same folder (~/.bash_profile
& ~/.bash_aliases
(you can get in the ~ directory by typing cd ~
in your terminal)
Basically, it changes your prompt.
[/mnt/d/Program Files/cmder_mini]
The above shown part of the prompt shows the current working directory
The amount of commands you executed in your current session
[ ✔ ]
Shows wether the latest command you executed was a good or bad command
- root@Prometeus: $
Shows the user@host
When you are inside a directory that is also a git repository, the prompt wil show some information about said directory:
If you have made new files that are currently untracked, the git info prompt part will turn purple:
If you have tracked files, which were updated, that haven't been commited yet the git info prompt part will turn red:
The .bash_aliases file adds some new commands for your terminal, mainly shorthand versions of existing commands.
I made some shorthand versions for certain git commands, the shorthands are gi
, gs
, gp
, gc
and gca
Inits a git repository (short for git init
Shows the status of a git repository (short for git status
Will push current commits to origin master (short for git push
gc "Your commit message goes here"
Will commit currently added files and add a message. Accepts a parameter which will be your commit message. (short for git commit -m "commit message"
gca "Your commit message goes here"
Will add all currently untracked/updated files and then commit all files currently staged for commit. Accepts a parameter which will be your commit message. (short for git add --all; git commit -m "commit message"
mkcdir "new_directory_name"
Makes a new directory and moves your current working directory to this directory
Prints a list of all files in the current working directory: including hidden ones. Shorthand for ls -a