
LM741 Op-Amp Tester PCB (Single-Sided)

LM741 Op-Amp Tester

A design for a homemade one-sided PCB LM741 Op-Amp Tester.


All are through-hole THT components.

Diode (1N4007) x 2


4.7K x 1

1.0K x 1

10.K x 3

Capacitor (10 uF) x 1

LM741 or 8-pin socket x 1

LED x 1

9V Power Supply or 9V Battery Holder x 1


If the LM741 is working, the LED will blink.

If the LM741 is not working, the LED will stay on or off and not blink.

This circuit works by setting up an oscillator circuit which causes the LED to flicker.

A 9V supply is required, either through the pins (9V battery connector) or through the pads (alligator clips)

Files and Fabrication

The source file can be opened in KiCad 6.0 and edited as you wish.

A CNC/PCB mill or an etching process can be used as the design is single-sided. If you're feeling like it, copper tape or conductive ink works too!

I designed this PCB for a laboratory course I am teaching. This code is released under the CC-BY-3.0 license.