
A simple Arduino projects that detects dogs barks and plays a vocal message to calm them down.

Primary LanguageC++

Bau Detector

This is simple Arduino projects that detects dogs barks and plays a vocal message to calm them down.


  • The code allows to play a vocal message picked by a random() function between 11 files.

  • Every time a Bark is detected, the system writes to a log.txt file with the following format:

day-month-year | hours-minutes-seconds | intensity | hours | day

Analyze data

To analyze the data just plug the MicroSD into your computer and make a copy of the file log.txt. Open Excel or Google Sheets and import the data (file>import) and separate the columns with the , (comma). At this point you can make everything you want with the data.

Parts list

  • Arduino uno (or every arduino you want, i would use an Arduino Nano) Ebay
  • Real Time Clock Module DS1302 Ebay
  • SD Card Reader Module Ebay
  • Sound Sensor Module Ebay
  • 3D Printer for the housing
  • A couple of days

Prepare The Voice Messages

In order to play your sounds on the Arduino you have to convert them to a specific .wav file.

  • Record the voice message: Record it as you want, but i had a lot of problems. This Website worked for me.
  • Convert the voice message: Now you have to convert the audio on this Website with the following parameters: Bit resolution: 8 bit Sampling rate: 16000 Audio channels: mono PCM Format: PCM unsigned 8 bit

3D Model
