
Primary LanguagePython


Build & Test

Simulate a stream of groundstation telemetry received during an overpass.

Quick start

Open https://gs.fly.dev and press the button!

Or directly query the api with graphql or via https://gsapi.fly.dev/graphql:

# subscribe to the stream of points
subscription {
  points {

# run simulation
mutation {

# fetch the latest telemetry points in a single query
query {
  latestpoints {

Alternatively, use the REST api (here via httpie):

# GET the latest telemetry points
http GET https://gsapi.fly.dev/latestpoints

# or POST to create the simulation
http POST https://gsapi.fly.dev/simulation

What is this?

It's really a demo playground to showcase:

  • modern python (3.10) incl FastAPI, Pydantic and Strawberry for GraphQL and HTTP apis
  • docker for local development and cloud deployment
  • typing via pylance, formatting via black and linting via flake8
  • choice of base image and use of multistage build and venv to slim python
  • unit and integration testing via pytest
  • CI/ CD via Github Actions to

If this were real I'd:

  • include linting/ static analysis as part of CI
  • integrate with a gs provider & volume test
  • provide cursor-based subscription so clients can better deal with backpressure
  • swap out broadcaster & global var for for an event stream such as redis streams or kafka
  • persist timeseries data in postgres with BRIN index or a specialised db (e.g. Timescale or Influx)
  • pin docker image version and convert to an unprivileged container, running rootless (or use podman)
  • run behind a reverse proxy like nginx and deploy on app runnner or k8s
  • protect with oauth bearer tokens or an api key
  • instrument via opentelemetry and add structured logging; then monitor via prometheus/ grafana or elastic/ kibana

To do:

  • graphql subscription for simulation state
  • data vis in the frontend
  • lose the second compose file for vscode
  • api testing for subscriptions and mutations

Local development

Ensure docker-compose is available and docker is running, then:

# Build and run backend tests
docker build --target apitest -t test-api . && docker run test-api

# Run the api on localhost:8080 and the frontend on localhost:3000
docker compose up --build --force-recreate

# Debug the api via localhost:8080 (run then select python:attach from the vscode debug window)
docker compose up --build --force-recreate -f docker-compose-debug.yml