Open Docker Desktop and wait for it to initialize and show a status of 'Running'. This allows Docker commands to be recognized in the Linux terminal.
Navigate to the DadBot app's directory.
Step 1: Build Docker Image
Ensure you have a Dockerfile
in the root of your app project. Then, run the following command in your terminal to build the image:
docker build -t dad_bot:dev .
Here, dad_bot:dev is the name and tag for your Docker image, and the . specifies the current directory where your Dockerfile is located.
Step 2: Run Your Docker Container
After building the image, you can run it as a container. Use the following command to start your Flask app inside a Docker container:
docker run -p 5000:5000 --env-file ./.env dad_bot:dev
This command tells Docker to run the container and map port 5000 of the container to port 5000 on your host machine. This way, you can access your Flask app by visiting http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.
Step 3: List Running Containers
Open your terminal and run the following command to list all currently running Docker containers:
docker ps -a
This command will show you a table of all active containers, including their CONTAINER ID, IMAGE, COMMAND, CREATED, STATUS, PORTS, and NAMES.
Step 4: Stop the Container
Once you've identified the CONTAINER ID or NAME of your app container from the list, you can stop it using:
docker stop [CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME]
This command will send a stop signal to your Docker container, allowing it to gracefully shut down.
Step 4: Removing Stopped Containers
After stopping your Docker container, it will still be in the system in a stopped state. If you wish to remove it completely:
This step is optional and can be useful for cleanup, especially during development, to keep your environment tidy.
Step 1: Build Your Docker Image
docker build -t dad_bot:latest .
Step 2: Tag Your Docker Image for Registry
Before pushing your Docker image to Docker Hub, tag it with the registry's URL:
docker tag dad_bot:latest followcrom/dad_bot:latest
Step 3: Push Your Docker Image to the Registry
docker push followcrom/dadbot:latest
AWS Docs: push container images from your local machine to your Lightsail container service
Enter the following command to push the container image on your local machine to your container service:
aws lightsail push-container-image --region eu-west-2 --service-name dad-bot --label dad-bot --image followcrom/dad_bot:latest
aws lightsail push-container-image --region <Region> --service-name <ContainerServiceName> --label <ContainerImageLabel> --image <LocalContainerImageName>:<ImageTag>
Create a new deployment for your container service using the following command:
aws lightsail create-container-service-deployment --service-name dad-bot --containers '{"dad-bot-cont": {"image": "", "ports": {"80": "HTTP"}, "command": ["your", "launch", "command", "here"]}}' --public-endpoint '{"containerName": "dad-bot-cont", "containerPort": 80, "healthCheck": {"path": "/"}}
If you need to update or add new environment variables, you can include them in your deployment command under the specific container configurations. For example:
aws lightsail create-container-service-deployment --service-name dad-bot --containers '{"dad-bot-cont": {"image": "", "environment": {"VAR_NAME": "value", "ANOTHER_VAR": "another value"}, "ports": {"80": "HTTP"}, "command": ["your", "launch", "command", "here"]}}' --public-endpoint '{"containerName": "dad-bot-cont", "containerPort": 80, "healthCheck": {"path": "/"}}
Here's how you can use this command to check the status of your container service:
aws lightsail get-container-services --service-name dad-bot
Filtering the Output If you're looking for specific information and want to filter the output, you can use the --query option with the AWS CLI command. For example, to get just the state of the container service, you can run:
aws lightsail get-container-services --service-name dad-bot --query 'containerServices[0].state'
Watching the Status If you're waiting for a deployment to complete or for the service state to change, you might find it useful to repeatedly check the status. You can do this in a bash loop or use the watch command in Linux/Unix environments:
bash Copy code watch -n 10 'aws lightsail get-container-services --service-name dad-bot --query "containerServices[0].state"' This command uses watch to rerun the AWS CLI command every 10 seconds, showing you the latest state each time.
docker images
docker rmi xxx
docker stop xxx
docker rm xxx
Enter API key as the Header and click Send
The returned body contain the voices
Click to expand!
{ "voice_id": "NsManPzvLKKRvmmOUBOo", "name": "BigAl", "samples": [ { "sample_id": "MqrVIspxOUECXVFqYWxM", "file_name": "Dad-voice_IVC-clip4.mp3", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg", "size_bytes": 1590044, "hash": "cf7e764205b0efd368198c1594f5e422" }, { "sample_id": "Rtv01mQDsSrhKfsIOBrz", "file_name": "Dad-voice_IVC-clip.mp3", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg", "size_bytes": 6185732, "hash": "186cceb2ba60adb0ced152bd30b59ed1" }, { "sample_id": "ecbNj3FiaWCkwCAV8f1C", "file_name": "Dad-voice_IVC-clip2.mp3", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg", "size_bytes": 2128748, "hash": "d128a4581860e8af3072ca5f08b8afc5" }, { "sample_id": "g5mtd6KXs17gcOFbLBND", "file_name": "Dad-voice_IVC-clip3.mp3", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg", "size_bytes": 1200632, "hash": "600ce9e7aa6239aa3a0936cdc487e12d" } ], "category": "cloned", "fine_tuning": { "is_allowed_to_fine_tune": false, "finetuning_state": "not_started", "verification_failures": [], "verification_attempts_count": 0, "manual_verification_requested": false, "language": null, "finetuning_progress": {}, "message": null, "dataset_duration_seconds": null, "verification_attempts": null, "slice_ids": null, "manual_verification": null }, "labels": { "accent": "British" }, "description": "An older male British voice, cheerful and avuncular.", "preview_url": "", "available_for_tiers": [], "settings": null, "sharing": null, "high_quality_base_model_ids": [], "safety_control": null, "voice_verification": { "requires_verification": false, "is_verified": false, "verification_failures": [], "verification_attempts_count": 0, "language": null, "verification_attempts": null } },
"voice_id": "z9ULidXEujRLhPKDEh8q", "name": "Prajnatara",