A handbook for software development and deployment practices, naming conventions, design patterns, and project recipes.
Visit the live site at https://dev-handbook.cfapps.io/.
This project uses Hugo, an open-source static site generator.
Present to the team to get a mutually agreed upon set of practices and conventions. Update pages with feedback from the team and remove the ones that do not apply. Add new pages as you see fit.
brew install hugo
Initialize the git submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
Run locally (default:
)hugo -D server
For new sections:
hugo new <section>/_index.md
Creates an index page for that section. You can have nested sections too. The generated _index.md has a title field which can be used to customize the section title in the sidebar. This way you can name a section 'dev', but title it as 'Development Practices' without having the spaces and uppercase characters in your directory structure.
For new pages within a section:
hugo new <section>/_index.md
The handbook content is typically written in Markdown, a readable, easy-to-learn mark-up language - that this very README file uses.
However, Markdown can be limiting, so Hugo introduced shortcodes to help overcome these limitations without resorting to HTML. The Hugo Learn Theme used in the project also introduces additional shortcodes.
If you moved or deleted pages, the locally running server might not pick it up properly until it is restarted.
Uses the manifest.yml
and runs on the staticfile buildpack.
cf push