
The Zeri Art Market Ontology (ZAMO) Github Repository

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Zeri Art Market Ontology

The following repository contains material concerning the Zeri Art Market Ontology (ZAMO, link to documentation soon available), an OWL 2 DL ontology analyzing most relevant entities and properties in the art market starting from the data available in the Fondazione Zeri Photo Archive. This project is carried out by Manuele Veggi and was firstly conceived as internship activity (January - March 2023, tutor: Prof Mambelli) at the Fondazione Zeri - Bologna and later completed as Collegio Superiore final thesis (tutor: Prof Iannucci, co-tutor: Prof Peroni).

ZAMO has been developed following SAMOD, the Simplified Agile Methodology for Ontology Development.

This repository contains the full documentation produced during the development of the ontology. In particular:

  • the docs directory contains all the files related to the ontology and its versions in time;
  • the samod directory contains the material produced during SAMOD iterations. For the description and the organization of the material in the subfolder, please read the corresponding note.

Additional material produced in the conceptualization and the development of the ontology may be found in an ad hoc private GitHub repository.

For any issue, you can write an email to manuele.veggi@uniroma1.it.

Resources and Publication

The final thesis, containing a description of the ontology and of the adopted methodology, was released as arXiv working paper. Please, to refer to this project, cite this document:

Veggi, Manuele. "A First Ontological Model for the Description of the Art Market in the Semantic Web". arXiv (2024). arXiv

A preliminary analysis of the current ontology was published as

Veggi, Manuele, and Francesca Mambelli. "Modelling the Art Market in the Semantic Web. A Preliminary Analysis." Umanistica Digitale 16 (2023): 141-166. Static Badge


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