A plugin to open file from file paths printed in sibling tmux pane.
In my code flow, I open nvim in one tmux pand and in another I run compiler on
watch. And as I code, it outputs any error/warning in the pane which contains
exact location of error ex. src/Main.purs:29:1
. Unlike Vscode I can't directly
click on the path and open it in vim. So I created this plugin, which basically
greps all the file path printed on sibling panes and populates them in fzf
window. And then I can decide and jump to that location easily without moving
out of nvim.
This plugin is dependent on following
- Fzf.vim
- tmux
- (Optional) Telescope.nvim
Use your favorite plugin manager.
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'shivamashtikar/tmuxjump.vim'
Using vundle:
Plugin 'shivamashtikar/tmuxjump.vim'
Using neobundle:
NeoBundle 'shivamashtikar/tmuxjump.vim'
With pathogen.vim, just clone this repository inside ~/.vim/bundle
Plugin exposes two commands TmuxJumpFile
& TmuxJumpFirst
will list files paths in fzf windowTmuxJumpFirst
will jump to the first instance of the file (from bottom)- These command also take string as a param, which will be used to filter only the required files and then populate/jump location
Map a keybinding to trigger plugin
nnoremap <leader>ft :TmuxJumpFile<CR>
nnoremap <leader>; :TmuxJumpFirst<CR>
for Specific FileType, you can update keybinding using below command. So, when you're
in purescript buffer, it'll only look for paths which contain purs
autocmd FileType purescript nnoremap <leader>ft :TmuxJumpFile purs<CR>
autocmd FileType purescript nnoremap <leader>; :TmuxJumpFirst purs<CR>
Plugin by default uses fzf for listing files in window. However it supports Telescope.nvim too, which can be enabled by setting below variable in vimrc
let g:tmuxjump_telescope = v:true
Plugin by default capture sibling panes with capture.sh. However it supports custom script too, which can configured by setting below variable in vimrc
let g:tmuxjump_custom_capture = "/path/my_custom_script"