Adds, removes, navigates to saved bookmarks in linux (ubuntu) terminal.
*works only on folders.
git clone ~/.bm-terminal
####Making life easier with aliases
Add following aliases to the .bashrc file. .bashrc is located in the home directory. Open terminal and write sudo nano ~/.bashrc
in it. Append these lines at the end of the .bashrc file. CTRL+x to save the file.
alias bmadd=". ~/.bm-terminal/bm add"
alias bmrm=". ~/.bm-terminal/bm remove"
alias bmto=". ~/.bm-terminal/bm goto"
alias bmls=". ~/.bm-terminal/bm list"
You should restart your terminal after saving the file!
####Adding bookmark
cd to directory you want to bookmark (for example cd /bin
bmadd binbm
Directory bin is now saved under binbm bookmark name.
####Navigating to bookmark
bmto binbm
####Removing bookmark
bmrm binbm
####Listing all saved bookmarks