
Some OCmods for Opencart (2.2 could work on earlier versions) that I use


Some OCmods for Opencart (2.2 could work on earlier versions) that I use

##alfra_disable_zone.ocmod.xml Removes region/zone/state from register new user, guest checkout, address edit, shipping estimate, payment address forms.

##alfra_sort_by.ocmod.xml This is a very simple file modification. It overrides $sort (and $order) default values. $order is by default set to 'ASC' and $sort is set to 'p.sort_order'. Make changes to this file to match your needs.

Possible $sort values:

  • 'p.sort_order' - by default
  • 'pd.name' - by name
  • 'p.price' - by price
  • 'p.model' - by model

Possible $order values:

  • 'ASC' - ascending
  • 'DESC' - descending
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <name>Alfra Sort By</name>
  <author>alfra (fongreecss@gmail.com)</author>
    <file path="catalog/controller/product/category.php">
        <operation error="log">
            <search><![CDATA[$sort = 'p.sort_order';]]></search>
            <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
                    //options :
                    //'p.sort_order' - by default
                    //'pd.name'      - by name
                    //'p.price'      - by price
                    //'p.model'      - by model
                    $sort = 'p.price';
        <operation error="log">
            <search><![CDATA[$order = 'ASC';]></search>
            <add position="replace"><![CDATA[
                    //options :
                    //'ASC'   - ascending
                    //'DESC'  - descending
                    $order = 'ASC';

##alfra_disable_affiliate.ocmod.xml Prevents affiliate login,register,forgotten password,editing profile,etc. Everything that is affiliate related.