
geocaching-like game for shared unix servers

Primary LanguageC


A geocaching game for the command line

The goal of the game: find a "geocache" or treasurebox hidden somewhere on the map. The map is made up of a large number of tiles organized in a grid fashion.

At the beginning of the game the player is placed on a starter tile (can be random or pre-selected). The player then sees the terrain of their current tile and the tiles around it in each direction plus a compass pointing towards the cache and an approximate distance to the cache. The player can move one tile at a time in any of the four directions (north, south, east or west).

Once the player is within close proximity of the cache the compass is replaced by a short description of the tile the cache is on (eg. "it's between two muddy tiles and on a tile with trees"). The player can still move around like before but now they have the option to guess on each tile whether the cache is there.

When the cache is found the player has the option to enter a message into the logbook of the cache or review previous messages from other players.


Tiles can have the following terrains:

  • mud
  • sand
  • bushes
  • trees
  • rocks
  • grass

Tiles can also be blocked, a blocked tile can't be entered and the cache can't be on it. Blocked tiles are there to force the player to make detours.

Data storage

The map along with the logbook of the cache is stored in a binary file. This is generated by a separate map generator that can build maps of various sizes. The main program can then load a map of the user's choice from file and write back to it with the logbook entry once the game is won.


The views of the game (searching with compass, searching without compass, menu screens, logbook, etc.) are rendered in ASCII art.