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This is an internal repository, the only purpose is to give a cool demo link on the Pluto README.

You probably do not want to fork this repository and use it for another project, these instruction will come soon. This is also not the recommended way to install Pluto as a jupyter extension. For this, we are working on https://github.com/fonsp/pluto-on-jupyterlab.

Reading the source code of this repository might be confusing! But to Pluto's developers: have a look at the different branches, the master branch is for the demo link, all other branches are for other experiments.



First try:

to main menu:


time until you see the main menu: 18sec

With more elaborate setup to allow passing a URL to Pluto: (we want this)


time until you see Welcome to binder: 39sec

time until you see the main menu: 19sec

(With packagecompiler):