
Why multiple dispatch lets you write composable code

Primary LanguageJulia

How Multiple Dispatch lets you write Composable software

This is an interactive tutorial made in a Pluto.jl notebook

We'll be going over how Multiple Dispatch lets you write

  1. Game/Physics Engines
  2. Type Specialized Matrix Multiplication
  3. Dealing with Uncertainty in packages that don't support uncertainty
  4. Automatic Differentiation a Tweet long implementation


Run remotely (easiest way)

Click here https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/fonsp/vscode-binder/master?urlpath=pluto/open?url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fmsaroufim%2Fmultiple_dispatch%2Fmaster%2Fsrc%2Fmultiple_dispatch.jl

Run remotely

  1. Go to https://pluto-on-binder.glitch.me/
  2. Put in my notebook url https://github.com/msaroufim/multiple_dispatch/blob/master/src/multiple_dispatch.jl
  3. Push enter and give it a a minute or two, loading the Julia libraries takes a while

Run locally

  1. using Pluto
  2. Pluto.run(1234)
  3. Navigate to localhost:1234 in your browser and open up the file

One of the many pretty pictures in this article showing how you can get error bars for free in a differential equation solver that doesn't natively support uncertainty using multiple dispatch.
