A solver for the graph coloring problem.
Greedy algorithms, see "ColPack: Software for graph coloring and related problems in scientific computing" (Gebremedhin et al., 2013) for their descriptions:
- Largest first
-a greedy --ordering largest-first
- Incidence degree
-a greedy --ordering incidence-degree --reverse 1
- Smallest last
-a greedy --ordering smallest-last --reverse 1
- Dynamic largest first
-a greedy --ordering dynamic-largest-first
-a greedy-dsatur
- Largest first
MILP (CPLEX), see "New Integer Linear Programming Models for the Vertex Coloring Problem" (Jabrayilov et Mutzel, 2018) for model descriptions:
- Assignment-based ILP model
-a milp-assignment-cplex
- Representatives ILP model
-a milp-representatives-cplex
- Partial-ordering based ILP model
-a milp-partial-ordering-cplex
- Partial-ordering based ILP model 2
-a milp-partial-ordering-2-cplex
- Assignment-based ILP model
Row weighting local search
- Penalize conflicting edges
-a "local-search-row-weighting --iterations 100000 --iterations-without-improvement 10000"
- Penalize uncolored vertices
-a "local-search-row-weighting-2 --iterations 100000 --iterations-without-improvement 10000"
- Penalize conflicting edges
Column generation heuristics implemented with fontanf/columngenerationsolver:
- Greedy
- Limited discrepancy search
- Greedy
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --config Release --parallel
cmake --install build --config Release --prefix install
Download data:
python3 scripts/download_data.py
python3 scripts/download_data.py --data verma2015
./bazel-bin/coloringsolver/main -v 1 -i "data/dimacs1992/1-FullIns_3.col" -a greedy-dsatur -c solution.txt
Number of vertices: 30
Number of edges: 100
Density: 0.222222
Average degree: 6.66667
Maximum degree: 11
Total weight: 30
T (s) UB LB GAP GAP (%) Comment
----- -- -- --- ------- -------
0.000 inf 0 inf inf
0.000 4 0 4 inf
Final statistics
Value: 4
Bound: 0
Absolute optimality gap: 4
Relative optimality gap (%): inf
Time (s): 0.000206739
Number of vertices: 30 / 30 (100%)
Number of conflicts: 0
Feasible: 1
Number of colors: 4
./bazel-bin/coloringsolver/main -v 1 -i "data/dimacs1992/r1000.5.col" -a "local-search-row-weighting-2 --iterations 50000"
Number of vertices: 1000
Number of edges: 238267
Density: 0.476534
Average degree: 476.534
Maximum degree: 781
Total weight: 1000
Row weighting local search 2
Maximum number of iterations: 50000
Maximum number of iterations without improvement: -1
Maximum number of improvements: -1
Goal: 0
T (s) UB LB GAP GAP (%) Comment
----- -- -- --- ------- -------
0.000 inf 0 inf inf
0.007 250 0 250 inf initial solution
0.009 249 0 249 inf iteration 29
0.011 248 0 248 inf iteration 34
0.026 247 0 247 inf iteration 2473
0.029 246 0 246 inf iteration 2524
0.032 245 0 245 inf iteration 2865
0.038 244 0 244 inf iteration 3514
0.041 243 0 243 inf iteration 3699
0.043 242 0 242 inf iteration 3842
0.047 241 0 241 inf iteration 4197
0.053 240 0 240 inf iteration 4939
0.065 239 0 239 inf iteration 7201
0.070 238 0 238 inf iteration 7791
0.082 237 0 237 inf iteration 10040
0.090 236 0 236 inf iteration 11477
0.148 235 0 235 inf iteration 24907
0.224 234 0 234 inf iteration 42727
Final statistics
Value: 234
Bound: 0
Absolute optimality gap: 234
Relative optimality gap (%): inf
Time (s): 0.256734
Number of iterations: 50000
Number of vertices: 1000 / 1000 (100%)
Number of conflicts: 0
Feasible: 1
Number of colors: 234
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering largest-first"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering largest-first --reverse"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering incidence-degree"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering incidence-degree --reverse"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering smallest-last"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering smallest-last --reverse"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering dynamic-largest-first"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy --ordering dynamic-largest-first --reverse"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "greedy-dsatur"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 1000"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 10000"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --algorithms "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 100000"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --benchmark heuristicshort --timelimit 0.25 --labels "greedy --ordering largest-first" "greedy --ordering largest-first --reverse" "greedy --ordering incidence-degree" "greedy --ordering incidence-degree --reverse" "greedy --ordering smallest-last" "greedy --ordering smallest-last --reverse" "greedy --ordering dynamic-largest-first" "greedy --ordering dynamic-largest-first --reverse" -o heuristicshort1
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --benchmark heuristicshort --timelimit 2 --labels "greedy --ordering largest-first" "greedy --ordering incidence-degree --reverse" "greedy --ordering smallest-last --reverse" "greedy --ordering dynamic-largest-first" "greedy-dsatur" "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 1000" "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 10000" -o heuristicshort2
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py -f "row['Dataset'] == 'dimacs1992'" --benchmark heuristicshort --timelimit 6 --labels "greedy-dsatur" "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 1000" "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 10000" "local-search-row-weighting --iterations-without-improvement 100000" -o heuristicshort3
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py -l "localsearch_rowweighting_10000" -a "localsearch_rowweighting -w 10000"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py --benchmark heuristicshort -l "localsearch_rowweighting_10000" -f "row['Dataset'] == 'graphcoloring'" -t 3
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py --benchmark heuristicshort -l "localsearch_rowweighting_10000" -f "row['Dataset'] == 'gebremedhin2013'" -t 10
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py --benchmark heuristicshort -l "localsearch_rowweighting_10000" -f "row['Dataset'] == 'rossi2014'" -t 60
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py --benchmark heuristicshort -l "localsearch_rowweighting_10000" -f "'verma2015' in row['Dataset']" -t 60
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py --benchmark heuristicshort -l "localsearch_rowweighting_10000" -f "'cgshop2022' in row['Dataset']" -t 120
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py --timelimit 3600 --algorithms "milp_assignment_cplex"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py --timelimit 3600 --algorithms "milp_representatives_cplex"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py --timelimit 3600 --algorithms "milp_partialordering_cplex"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py --timelimit 3600 --algorithms "milp_partialordering2_cplex"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py --benchmark exact --timelimit 3600 --labels "milp_assignment_cplex" "milp_representatives_cplex" "milp_partialordering_cplex" "milp_partialordering2_cplex"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_run.py --timelimit 3600 --algorithms "localsearch_rowweighting"
python3 ../optimizationtools/optimizationtools/bench_process.py --benchmark heuristiclong --timelimit 3600 --labels "milp_assignment_cplex" "milp_representatives_cplex" "milp_partialordering_cplex" "milp_partialordering2_cplex" "localsearch_rowweighting"