This is a script that will run as a daemon and handle web hook POSTs sent by gitlabhq. The script is completely stand-alone which means there is no requirement for web-servers like Apache or nginx.
By default the script will execute a git pull for repositories defined in the configuration file but you can define any commands to be executed to a specific repository.
- Socket (libsocket-perl)
- Net::HTTPServer ( for IPv6 support)
- URI (liburi-perl)
- Config::Scoped (libconfig-scoped)
- Proc::Daemon (libproc-daemon-perl)
- JSON (libjson-perl)
- threads (libthreads-perl)
- IO::Socket::SSL (libio-socket-ssl-perl)
To install gitlab-autopull, all you have to do is the following
Copy to somewhere in your $PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin/)
Copy git-autopull.conf to /etc/
Copy gitlab-autopull to /etc/init.d/ if your system uses LSB Init scripts
Configure your gitlab-autopull daemon (see below) and set a web hook destination in gitlabhq
- Go to Settings -> Web Hooks and enter your destination (e.g. http://IP:PORT/)
All configurations to gitlab-autopull is done in git-autopull.conf. Normally all you have to edit is the different "listen" directives to start the server, and then the "repo" directives to actually make something useful when a push is made to a repository.
See git-autopull.conf for examples and comments on how to configure it.