
Version of Asterisk used for AllStarLink

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Asterisk Source for AllStarLink

This is the Asterisk source package for AllStarLink and the files to build the ASL 2.0.0+ distribution.

AllStarLink Wiki: https://wiki.allstarlink.org

AllStarLink Community Forum: https://community.allstarlink.org/

AllStarLink Portal: https://www.allstarlink.org

AllStarLink Node Stats: https://stats.allstarlink.org


Debian 10 Buster

  • Install the ASL Repo
echo "deb http://apt.allstarlink.org/repos/asl_builds buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/allstar.list
curl -s http://apt.allstarlink.org/repos/repo_signing.key | sudo apt-key add -
apt update
  • Install apt dependencies
apt -y install quilt libreadline-gplv2-dev libgsm1-dev libssl-dev libasound2-dev libpq-dev \
  unixodbc-dev libpri-dev libvpb-dev asl-dahdi-source libnewt-dev libsqlite-dev libspeex-dev \
  libspeexdsp-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpopt-dev libiksemel-dev freetds-dev libvorbis-dev \
  libsnmp-dev libcap-dev libi2c-dev libjansson-dev build-essential libtonezone-dev \
  git cmake g++ libboost-all-dev libgmp-dev swig python3-numpy libusb-dev


Packaging (.deb)

This will compile and package AllStar into .deb files. You do not need to run configure or make before doing this.

git clone https://github.com/AllStarLink/ASL-Asterisk.git
cd ASL-Asterisk/asterisk
debuild -b -us -uc

.debs will appear in the repository root folder after compiling and packaging


git clone https://github.com/AllStarLink/ASL-Asterisk.git
cd ASL-Asterisk/asterisk
make install

If all goes well, you will have cloned, configured, compiled and installed the Astersisk 1.4.23pre and app_rpt suite of programs that comprise the ASL 2.0.0+ release onto your system.


Community Forum: https://community.allstarlink.org/

AllStarLink Wiki: http://wiki.allstarlink.org

E-Mail: developers@allstarlink.org


Please refer to the Contributing page on the AllStarLink Wiki.


Asterisk 1.4.23pre is copyright Digium (https://www.digium.com)

app_rpt and associated programs (app_rpt suite) are copyright Jim Dixon, WB6NIL; 2018-2021 AllStarLink, Inc., and contributors

(Refer to each individual's file source code for full copyright information)


Asterisk, app_rpt, and all associated code/files are licensed, released, and distributed under the GNU General Public License v2 and cannot be relicensed without written permission of Digium and the copyright holders of the app_rpt suite of programs.