
Sandbox to run the evil fizz buzz kata

Primary LanguageJava

Evil Fizz Buzz

Based on https://twitter.com/jasongorman/status/1077118717572640768

In summary:

  • at least 5 developers
  • deliver a working demonstratable program
  • final acceptance test: show customer a working program
  • output: "1,2,Fizz,4,Buzz,Fizz,7,8,Fizz,Buzz,11,Fizz,13,14,FizzBuzz,..." etc.
  • each person/pair is assigned ONE of the 5 requirements and must ONLY work on the code necessary for that specific requirement
  • talking, whiteboard, etc. is fine
  • source control is a must
  • ci/cd is must
  • once the build is green (initial setup) it can't go red again
  • 1 hour timelimit


  1. Generate a list of integers from 1-100
  2. Numbers that are divisible by 3, replace with "Fizz"
  3. Numbers that are divisible by 5, replace with "Buzz"
  4. Numbers that are divisibele by 3 & 5, replace with "FizzBuzz"
  5. Output this list as a single comma-delimited string