- An easy to use java object mapper, built around DataStax's Java CQL driver.
- It can automatically create tables and add columns from your cql annotated domain objects.
- jom can auto-generate UUID
- Composite keys are well supported. Keys can be designated as either partition key or cluster keys, using the CqlId annotation.
- Automatically converts Java camel-casing naming to cql style naming. For example, if you have an entity CarModel, the corresponding table name will be car_model.
- Embed objects within your entity. For example, you can embed Address object inside your User entity.
- JPA style annotations. CqlEntity, CqlId, CqlAutoGen, CqlEmbed, CqlStoreAsJson
- Cassandra has very limited querying capabilities. Jom gets round the limitation by implementing filter feature.
- In cassandra, it is efficient to update just the modified fields. Column level updates can be done, using updateColumn method.
- Cassandra light weight transaction support. Inserts, updates and deletes can be done in batches.
- Counter column support with @CqlColumn(dataType=DataType.COUNTER) annotation on any nemeric fields
- Release 1.3.2 is a stable release. The project that uses cassandra jom is live and communicates to a 3 node Datastax Enterprise cassandra cluster, using SSL.
* Refer to the Project Wiki to get started with Cassandra JOM. Get Started
The jar files are published in maven repository. Maven Dependency
Your entity object
package org.w3cloud.jom.testmodels;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.w3cloud.jom.annotations.CqlAutoGen;
import org.w3cloud.jom.annotations.CqlEntity;
import org.w3cloud.jom.annotations.CqlId;
public class CarModel {
@CqlId(idType=IdType.PARTITION_KEY) //another idType is CLUSTER_KEY
private UUID id;
private String make;
private String modelName;
private int modelYear;
public UUID getId(){
return id;
public void setId(UUID id){;
..... Other getters and setters
Insert, update and find your entity
Properties props=new Properties();
//You can also pass multiple contact points and port numbers.
// Example: props.put("cql.contactpoints", "localhost:9042,anotherhost:9042");
props.put("cql.contactpoints", "localhost");
props.put("cql.synctableschema", "true");
//if you have more than one package to scan,
//Pass a comma separated list
props.put("cql.packagestoscan", "org.w3cloud.jom.testmodels");
//Store EntityManager as a static variable at the applicaiton level.
CqlEntityManager em=CqlEntityManagerFactory.createEntityManger(props);
CarModel carModel=new CarModel();
//Update only one coloumn; Use this approach only if
//you are sure about the modified coloumns.
//In cassandra this approach is more effiecient
em.updateColumn(carModel, CqlBuilder.update(CarModel.class)
import java.util.UUID; import org.w3cloud.jom.annotations.CqlAutoGen; import org.w3cloud.jom.annotations.CqlEntity; import org.w3cloud.jom.annotations.CqlId;
@CqlEntity public class CarModel { @CqlId(idType=IdType.PARTITION_KEY) //another idType is CLUSTER_KEY @CqlAutoGen private UUID id; private String make; private String modelName; @CqlIndex private int modelYear; public UUID getId(){ return id; } public void setId(UUID id){; } ..... Other getters and setters }
For Further deails, refer to project wiki.
Upcoming release
- No planned release.
- CqlStoreAsJson annotation does not work well with Lists. Do your own serilization and de-seriazation, if needed with gson. Serilization is straight-forward. For de-serialization, use the following technique:
order.orderItems=gson.fromJson(order.orderItemsJson,new TypeToken<List<OrderItem>>(){}.getType());
- Do not use CqlIndex. Cassandra encourages to use link table for queries instead of indexing a column.
- jom does not support casssandra datatypes like map, list and set.
- Please post your comments on our cassandra-jom blog page:
- Please report bugs, by creating an issue.