
a Key-Value DB (just for fun) like Redis using Python


a Key-Value DB (just for fun, quick and dirty) like Redis

  1. Key-Value DB using Python3.3
  2. should install httplib2 Packages
  3. "GET", "SET", "AUTH", "URL" commands

******** At the client side ************

[root@vm2 hDB_v1]# ./hDBclient_2.py

Only Support get/set :(


[root@vm2 hDB_v1]# ./hDBclient_2.py GET ui

('ui', 'ioiowriqweorwerwqr')

[root@vm2 hDB_v1]# ./hDBclient_2.py SET foo bar

('foo', 'bar')

[root@vm2 hDB_v1]# ./hDBclient_2.py GET foo

('foo', 'bar')

[root@vm2 hDB_v1]# ./hDBclient_2.py AUTH root 123456

('root', '0')

[root@vm2 hDB_v1]# ./hDBclient_2.py URL baidu www.baidu.com

('baidu', 'status 200 content-length 54470')

[root@vm2 hDB_v1]#

******** At the server side ************

[root@vm2 hDB_v1]# ./hDBserver.py --host --port

['GET', 'ui']

(b'lock', 5, 2, 36, 75024, 0)

(b'lock OK--> ', 5, 2, 36, 75024, 0)

(b'get_i', 2084, b'}\\x00\x9eN\xb8\xbb\xc7\x86G\xca\xec\xa3\x08\xe6\x1b', (b'}\\x00\x9eN\xb8\xbb\xc7\x86G\xca\xec\xa3\x08\xe6\x1b', 75024, 75024, 75024, 24, 0))

(b'unlock', 5, 8, 36, 75024, 0)

['SET', 'foo', 'bar']

dalloc lock

dalloc unlock


(3109, 'foo', 'bar', b'8\xf3\xef\xe3L\xb2\x90\x92\x00\x7f\xe0C1\xb3\x83\xa3')

(b'lock', 5, 2, 36, 111924, 0)

(b'lock OK--> ', 5, 2, 36, 111924, 0)

(b'get_i', 3109, b'8\xf3\xef\xe3L\xb2\x90\x92\x00\x7f\xe0C1\xb3\x83\xa3', (b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

(b'get_i return', None)

ialloc lock

ialloc unlock


(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)


(b'8\xf3\xef\xe3L\xb2\x90\x92\x00\x7f\xe0C1\xb3\x83\xa3', 111924, 111924, 111924, 12, 64)

(b'unlock', 5, 8, 36, 111924, 0)

['GET', 'foo']

(b'lock', 5, 2, 36, 111924, 0)

(b'lock OK--> ', 5, 2, 36, 111924, 0)

(b'get_i', 3109, b'8\xf3\xef\xe3L\xb2\x90\x92\x00\x7f\xe0C1\xb3\x83\xa3', (b'8\xf3\xef\xe3L\xb2\x90\x92\x00\x7f\xe0C1\xb3\x83\xa3', 111924, 111924, 111924, 12, 64))

(b'unlock', 5, 8, 36, 111924, 0)

['AUTH', 'root', '123456']

['URL', 'baidu', 'www.baidu.com']

(b'lock', 5, 2, 36, 357948, 0)

(b'lock OK--> ', 5, 2, 36, 357948, 0)

(b'get_i', 9943, b'\xbf\xe2y\x94\a\t\xd0g\xbc\xd2\x95\xb5\x18\x9d\x86', (b'\xbf\xe2y\x94\a\t\xd0g\xbc\xd2\x95\xb5\x18\x9d\x86', 357948, 357948, 357948, 40, 24))

(b'unlock', 5, 8, 36, 357948, 0)