Webinterface to PID controlled clothing iron used for PCB reflowing.
Inspired by the project,
You will need
- Lolin D1 mini
- MAX31850K thermocouple amplifier module
- Thermocoupler type-K
- An old clothing iron or an oven
Electrical connections
MAX318550 connects to Lolin GPIO0 (D3), GND and 3V3.
SSR connets to Lolin GPIO5 (D1) and GND.
Clothing iron/Oven connects to SSR.
Copy src/template_credentials.h to src/credentials.h and add your SSID and Password.
Compile source in Microsoft Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO and upload to Lolin.
Generate filesystem and upload to Lolin.
Browse to http://fooflow.local to reflow your awesome PCB.
Check src/reflowProfiles.h for solder paste profiles.