A picture of our team:
Kaleb Dickerson, Phu (Jack) Nguyen, Anh Nguyen, Anh Hoang.
Our project is called "Mello." which is a play on the emotion "mellow" and "melody", and we just thought that the period at the end looks cool. This project uses the openCV library in Python for the back-end data processing, React.js for the front-end, web-cam access, and API calls, and the Spotify API to browse a song. The basic functionality of this is using a facial expression recognition model to analyze a user's expression and playing an song that fits their mood.
To run the program, first pull the reposity using your favorite environment (strongly recommend a virtual one):
1. Open a terminal
2. `cd frontend` to navigate to the front end folder
3. `npm install` to install the required modules
4. `npm start` to initiate the front end once the install is completed.
1. Open a new terminal
2. `cd backend` to the back end folder
3. `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install the required dependencies
4. `cd server_fer` to navigate to the server_fer folder
5. `python manage.py runserver` to initiate the back end server.
We would like to give a very special thank to Justin Shenk, who made all of this possible. Your pretrained model is goat 🐐. Here is his repo: https://github.com/justinshenk/fer