
utilize openai api for implementation of chatGPT with LINEBOT

Primary LanguageGo


utilized openai api for implementation of chatGPT with LineBot

Work Environment for myself

  • go version go1.18.1 darwin/amd64


git clone https://github.com/TaroballzChen/LineBotChatGPT
cd LineBotChatGPT
echo ChannelSecret=your_LINE_ChannelSecret >> .env
echo ChannelAccessToken=your_LINE_ChannelAccessToken >> .env
echo OpenApiKey=your_OpenApiKey >>.env
# you could modify the GPT-3 completion model parameter by modifying `.env` file
go run main.go

then use ngrok or other method(cloud container, nginx with certbot etc.) exposed 80 port to public network with SSL



  1. download the Dockerfile, .env file in this project
  2. docker build --no-cache -t LineBotChatGPT:latest .
  3. modify the .env file to fill the LINEBOT and OpneAI token:
echo ChannelSecret=your_LINE_ChannelSecret >> .env
echo ChannelAccessToken=your_LINE_ChannelAccessToken >> .env
echo OpenApiKey=your_OpenApiKey >>.env
# try to modify the GPT-3 completion model parameter by modifying `.env` file
  1. docker run -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/.env:/LineBotChatGPT/.env LineBotChatGPT then use ngrok or other method(cloud container like railway.app, Heroku or nginx with certbot etc.) exposed 80 port to public network with SSL


Railway.app Deploy

Deploy on Railway

  • fill your LINE ChannelSecret, ChannelAccessToken and OpenAI OpenApiKey token

P.S. You should own the github account to sign up the railway.app account. When you create container by my template on the above, the railway.app would help you fork my github project to your repo. then you could modify the model parameter's value on your forked project.


integration of chatgpt and LINEBOT on railway.app cloud container tutorial video




  • 2023.3.6 change the model from Completion to ChatCompletion with GPT3Dot5Turbo


  1. https://github.com/kkdai/linebot-group
  2. https://github.com/kkdai/LineBotTemplate
  3. https://www.learncodewithmike.com/2020/06/python-line-bot.html
  4. https://github.com/kkdai/chatgpt
  5. https://github.com/PullRequestInc/go-gpt3