A live version of wpt

This repo contains a deployment automation for running a live instance of the web platform tests project that people can visit and run file by file in their favorite web browser.

Getting Started

  1. Download and install VirtualBox and Vagrant
  2. Run vagrant up from the root of this repository
  3. Visit in a web browser


This project uses Ansible to manage and apply instructions for configuration a computer to run the web-platform-tests server. More detail on this process is available in the provisioning/ directory.


This project is deployed to http://web-platform-tests.live. The necessary infrastructure (e.g. server, DNS configuration, status monitoring) is provided by Bocoup. It is managed in an external project, infrastructure-web-platform.

To access the production system, first request a copy of the web_platform_test_live.pem file from infrastructure+web-platform@bocoup.com. Using that, the following command will deploy this project the production server:

$ ansible-playbook provisioning/provision.yml -i provisioning/inventory/production --key-file=path/to/web_platform_test_live.pem


Monitoring is provided by AWS Cloudwatch. If the index page / returns a non 2XX or 3XX status for more then 1 minute, an e-mail will be sent to infrastructure+web-platform@bocoup.com noting the website has entered the Alert status.


This project uses Vagrant for local development. Running vagrant up should create a Ubuntu virtual machine and run the playbook.yml provisioning script. If you need to debug the running server, you can log into it using vagrant ssh.

Once connected to the development server, the following commands can be used to alter the status of the wpt service.

## Stop the service (it will be running by default)
$ sudo systemctl stop wpt

## Start the service
$ sudo systemctl start wpt

# Check the status of the service
$ systemctl status wpt

# Check the logs emitted from the wpt service
$ sudo journalctl -f -u wpt

You can use the following command to re-apply the configuration to the development system:

$ vagrant provision

To completely white out the Vagrant machine and build a new one from scratch, you can use the following command.

$ vagrant destroy -f && vangrant up