
mysql probe for statistical analysis

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Mysql Probe

A distributed MySQL packets capture and report system inspired by vividcortex and linkedin blog


There is only one component which could run as three mode:

  • slave
  • master
  • standby


Slave run at the same machine with MySQL. A probe will be started to capture the MySQL query infos, such as SQL, error and execution latency. This is the base component which could run without the support of the others.


Master is responsible for collecting infos from slaves. Aggregated data will be reported by websocket.


Standby is a special master that runs as the backup of the master. It is only available in gossip cluster mode.


There are two cluster modes, gossip and static.

Gossip Cluster

In gossip mode, nodes are aware of each other, auto failover could be taken by the system.


  • collector("/collector"): A websocket interface for caller to get assembled data from master or slave.
  • join("/cluster/join?addr="): A http interface to join current node to a cluster, 'addr' is one of the cluster node's gossip address.
  • leave("/cluster/leave"): A http interface to make current node left from its cluster.
  • listnodes("/cluster/listnodes") : A http interface to list the topology of current node.
  • config-update("/config/update?{key}={value}"): A http interface to config the node dynamiclly. Only 'report_period_ms', the sampling freuency of this node, supported currently.

Static Cluster

There are only masters and slaves in static mode. Manual intervention is needed when nodes down.


Interfaces both availiable on master and slave:

  • collector("/collector"): A websocket interface for caller to get assembled data from master or slave.
  • config-update("/config/update?{key}={value}"): A http interface to config the node dynamiclly. Only 'report_period_ms', the sampling freuency of this node, supported currently.

Interfaces only availiable on master:

  • join("/cluster/join?addr="): A http interface to add a slave to current node.
  • leave("/cluster/leave"): A http interface to make the node left from its cluster. All the slave of the node would be removed.
  • remove("/cluster/remove?addr="): A http interface to remove a slave from a master. 'addr' is the server address of the slave.
  • listnodes("/cluster/listnodes"): A http interface to list the topology of the node.

Build your own cluster

In most production enviroment, it usually needs a flat and stateless aggregation layer for data processing. The tree structure of the two buildin clusters are more like test modes to some extent. Users could build their own production enviroment base on slave. With the help of Pusher, slave could report data to one member of a group of servers which could be the data processing layer. image


The configuration is a yaml file:

slave: true           # true if run as slave. In gossip mode, those nodes not slave are initialized as master. 
serverport: 8667      # websocket address the node listen
interval: 10          # report interval, slaves and master(s) will report assembled data periodically by websocket
slowthresholdms: 100  # threshold to record slow query
  gossip: true   # true if run as gossip mode
  group: test    # cluster name
  port: 0        # gossip bind port
  device: lo0,en0  # devices to probe, splited by ',', slave only
  port: 3306       # port to probe, slave only
  snappylength: 0  # snappy buffer length of the probe, slave only
  workers: 2       # number of workers to process probe data, slave only
  servers:, # server list splited by ','. pusher will select one server to push data
  path: websocket                        # websocket path
  preconnect: true                       # create connection to all servers
watcher:                     # watcher is responsible for cache and refresh map of dbname and connection
  uname: test                # user name for login MySQL
  passward: test             # passward to login MySQL
websocket:              # webscoket config for client and server
  writetimeoutms: 1000  # websocket write timeout(ms)
  pingtimeouts: 30      # webscoket ping period(s)
  reconnectperiods: 10  # websocket reconnect period(s)
  maxmessagesize: 16384 # websocket max message size(k)


  • slave: The node's role.
  • serverport: Webserver port. Data will be pushed into any clients connected to this server with path '/collector'.
  • interval: Data pushing interval.
  • slowthresholdms: Threshold for data collector to record detial query infomation(message.Message).


This is an optional configuration. By default, gossip will be utilized. If you don't associated the nodes with each other, you can build your own cluster above those standalone slaves.

  • gossip: Cluster mode gossip|static
  • group: The lable distinguishs nodes belong to different clusters.
  • port: Gossip binding port. Specially, '0' indicates a ramdom port which could be found in the log.


Most of configurations of this section ralate to libpcap. Only slave node creates probes. Obviously, slave must be deployed at the same machine with MySQL.

  • device: One or multiple interfaces to probe, splited by ','.
  • port: MySQL port to probe. Single port supported currently.
  • snappylength: Snappy buffer length of the probe. It is suggested to be set to 0 or left aside if you don't know how your system supports this argument. See Note for more information.
  • workers: Number of workers to process probe data. Probe dispatchs tcp packets to workers by connections.


Compared with the websocket server in Global Configuation, Pusher is a optional module to push data to one of the servers actively. Pusher is usefull in building your own cluster, For example, targets of the pusher could be your proxy cluster to prepare the data for your storage, dashboard or ML system.

  • servers: Server list to push data.
  • path: Url path for websocket.
  • preconnect: Create connection to all the servers ahead or not.


Watcher is the module responsible for building map from connection to db. It needs MySQL authority to run 'show processlist'.


Data collected from slave or master will be reported in form of json compressed by snappy. The report contains statistical items:

  • SQL template: A SQL template is a SQL like text without constant condition value. eg. "select * from user where name=:v1". SQL template is reported periodically as it is a wast of io and storage to transport and store these long strings. Aggregation layer should cache the Key and SQL template mapping, for example, in Redis or Memcached.
  • latency: The execution latency in microsecond.
  • timestamp: Request and response timestamps.
  • status: Wether sueecssed or not.

Detail data structure can be found in message.go


  • On Linux, users may come up with an error 'Activate: can't mmap rx ring: Invalid argument', please refer here for more detail.
  • It must set the device to the logic device if the machine has virtual network adapter with load balancing, or the packets captured from any physical device would be incomplete.