
a simple discovery script that uses popular tools like subfinder, amass, puredns, alterx, massdns and others

Primary LanguageShell


example workflow made-with-bash

Discoshell [discovery-shell] - is a simple discovery script that uses popular tools such as: subfinder, amass, puredns, massdns, alterx


At the moment Discoshell can discover only live subdomains, generate permutation wordlists and filter wildcard subdomains. asciicast


Discoshell [discovery-shell]

Simple utility for discovering subdomains and manipulating the results.

usage: ./discoshell.sh --input string --output string

  -i|--input string       input file name
                          (example: input.txt)
                          required if '-s|--single' was not set

  -s|--single string      single domain
                          (example: site.com)
                          note: you have to use it if you want discover just one domain instead a list
                          required if '-i|--input' was not set

  -o|--output string      output file name
                          (example: output.txt)
                          note: if not set, output will be in stdout

  -rw|--remove-www        removing 'www.' from a subdomain string (for ex: www.site.com, default is disabled)
                          not required

  -h|--help               this message


note about amass: you need to use amass v3.23.3

go install -v github.com/owasp-amass/amass/v3/...@master


git clone https://github.com/foozzi/discoshell && cd discoshell
chmod +x discoshell.sh
./discoshell.sh -s hackerone.com


First you need to install Bash Automated Testing System

And then:

bats -t tests