
:rocket: DMCode - like a deploy my code. Allows you to upload your code to an ftp server without any ftp-clients.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


DMCode - like a deploy my code Allows you to upload your code to an ftp server without any ftp/sftp clients. asciicast

why is this needed?

for example, you need to quickly deploy code or files to a remote ftp or sftp server directly from a directory with easy-to-understand console commands.

Where is working?

Linux, MacOS, Windows - in progress 🚀

TODO v1.0

  • add mysql backup restore
  • ask user when replacing file [--replace ASK|NOT|default: replace all]
  • add save rights after deploying
  • add windows support
  • add "paste" method


Using the configuration file dmc.ini, you can exclude directories, files or file extensions that you do not need, and more. Just execute the command in the desired directory for ftp:

dmcode --ftp_config

or for sftp:

dmcode --sftp_config

or specify ftp settings right away:

dmcode --ftp_config|--sftp_config --host <your_ftp_host> --port <your_ftp_port> --password <your_ftp_password> --path /var/www/html

this is to create a configuration file dmc.ini that you can edit.

ignore_ext = ignored extensions for upload
ignore_files = ignored file names for upload
ignore_dirs = ignored directory names for upload
max_size_dir_mb = allowed maximal directory size for upload (in Bytes)
max_size_file_mb = allowed maximal file size for upload (in Bytes)

Deploy your code

Just execute:

dmcode --ftp|--sftp


pip install dmcode


git clone https://github.com/foozzi/dmcode.git && cd dmcode
python setup.py install