
docker image for Octoprint

Primary LanguageDockerfile


docker image for Octoprint

  • Runs on port 5000
  • /root/.octoprint can be mounted to persist configuration
  • PYTHONPATH and pip configured to install plugins in /root/.octoprint so they are persisted as well
  • Use MKNOD env var to specify an initial mknod command, in case you want the image to start even if the device does not exist (ie: printer turned off):
    • need to use --privileged or --device-cgroup-rules instead of --device
    • eg: -e MKNOD="/dev/ttyACM0 c 166 0"


docker run -p 5000:5000 \
           -v delme:/root/.octoprint \
           --device /dev/YOURTTY:/dev/YOURTTY \