
Python File class that can be used as command to read, edit, and modify files on the go

Primary LanguagePython


Project contains a single python file that opens a file (programmatically) and allows you view, edit, search, and delete the file.

Key Items


I'm assuming you have python3 installed. If not, then you can easily download it by following these videos: Windows, MAC

  1. Clone or download project
    git clone https://github.com/fopineda/File-Wrapper-Command.git

That's all...


  1. Enter the project folder

    cd File-Wrapper-Command
  2. Run the file's help documentation

    python3 FileClass.py -h

    It will display easy to follow documentation on how to run the file properly.

    Please see examples below for more help :)

    Also, the project has a dummy lorem.txt file so you can test the commands. If you wish to complete the operations on your own file just put it n the folder and replace "lorem.txt" with the path/name of your file.

    Enjoy 😊


runs printHelp() function from File class

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -h

runs search(...) function from File class

requires extra argument that is used for search keyword, if not provided it throws an error

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -s sit

runs printFile() function from File class

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -p

runs removeAllNewLines() function from File class. Be advised, it alters the file

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -ranl

runs removeAllWords(...) function from File class. Be advised, it alters the file

requires extra argument that is used for removal keyword, if not provided it throws an error

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -raw sit

runs removeWord(...) function from File class. Be advised, it alters the file

requires extra argument that is used for removal keyword, if not provided it throws an error

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -rw sit

runs clearFile(...) function from File class. Be advised, it alters the file

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -cf

runs addStringAtBeginning(...) function from File class. Be advised, it alters the file

requires extra argument that is added to file, if not provided it throws an error

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -asb tacos

runs addStringAtEnd(...) function from File class. Be advised, it alters the file

requires extra argument that is added to file, if not provided it throws an error

python3 FileClass.py lorem.txt -ase tacos


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.