Pipe Puzzle Challenge

The goal of the puzzle is to rotate the tiles on the map to make all pipes connected in a single group, with no loops and no dangling pipes. When all pipes has blue color means that the goal has been achieved.

Level passwords

  1. JustWarmingUp
  2. DefinitelyWarm
  3. --
  4. --
  5. --
  6. --

React set up

To set up the project create react app was used because I don't need to learn and configure many build tools.

This app was built using React js 17 with Typescript 4.

Limitations of this solution

  • This game only have an assitant that help you when a correct move is make.
  • When level game selected is greater than 2 the UI is not working (because of the dimensions of the map, this should be fixed...).
  • The app is not tracking each state in each movement.
  • The game assistant can not check if the puzzle can be solved.

Key design decisions

  • This app is not using any state managment library such as Redux and MobX, because the app does not have options like, save game, restore last status game, score ...
  • Canvas 2D was used to draw game board instead of buttons, because there is not need to install any library. (I have not worked a lot with this tool, see the final key decision).
  • Asistance Game was developed instead of "auto solver", because I realized the high complexity required to solve this and the high computation required to check each tile.
  • Each rotation is tracked as a group of commands to send to the server to avoid hitting the server.
  • Plain CSS was used and pretty basic UI was built, because I was more aware to build a functional game (I can improve this).
  • Finally Konva with react-konva library was used to draw game board, because this tool allows me to draw easily graphics in canvas unlike vanilla canvas 2D.

Launch the solution

  1. Node js must be installed in your local machine
  2. Go to the project folder in the terminal
  3. Install NPM packages: npm install
  4. Start the server: npm start by default 3000 port will open at http://localhost:3000/.

Optional steps

  1. To run tests: npm test
  2. To build project: npm build


This app is vailable here