To install and run application on your local computer:
npm install -g code-notebook
code-book serve
npx code-notebook serve
To specify output file, where notes will be saved. (notebook.js by default)
npx install code-notebook serve filename
To specify port where app starts (4005 by default)
npx install code-notebook serve --port 3300
- ESBuild to transpile and bundle all the code directly in the browser
- Custom plugins for ESBuild (to get packages from and correctly bundle them inside the browser: one plugin changes the paths to the npm packages and another set the appropriate content)
- Monaco Text Editor (monaco-editor/react)
- Prettier to format the user's code
- Markdown Editor to handle text snippets
- bulmaswatch/superhero theme for styling
- State Managament: Redux, Immer, Thunk
- Lerna to handle all packages