
Miguel Taibo solutions to CSES Problem Set using Python and C++. You can find the dataset at At 02/08/2020 I've solved 33 task being user 1657 out of 206314 in the leaderboard.

Solved Tasks

Introductory Problems

  1. Weird Algorithm (Python)
  2. Missing Number (Python)
  3. Repetitions (Python)
  4. Increasing Array (Python)
  5. Permutations (Python)
  6. Number Spiral (Python)
  7. Two Knights (Python)
  8. Two Sets (Python)
  9. Bit Strings (Python)
  10. Trailing Zeros (Python)
  11. Coin Piles (Python)
  12. Palindrome Reorder (Python)
  13. Creating Strings I (Python)
  14. Apple Division (Python)
  15. Chessboard and Queens (Python)
  16. Grid Paths (C++)

Sorting and Searching

  1. Distinct Numbers (Python)
  2. Apartments (Python)
  3. Ferris Wheel (C++)
  4. Concert Tickets (C++)
  5. Restaurant Customers (C++)
  6. Movie Festival (C++)
  7. Sum Of Two Values (C++)
  8. Maximum Subarray Sum (C++)
  9. Stick Lengths (C++)
  10. Playlist (C++)

Dynamic Programming

  1. Dice Combinations (C++)
  2. Minimizing Coins (C++)
  3. Coin Combination I (C++)
  4. Removing Digits (C++)
  5. Grid Paths (C++)

Graph Algorithms

  1. Counting Rooms (C++)


  1. Exponentiation (C++)