
A simple graphic library in Java (on top of AWT)

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A bare bone graphic library in Java (on top of AWT) for teaching purpose, use at your own risk.

Download zen-6.0.jar, zen-6.0-sources.jar or/and zen-6.0-javadoc.jar.

Zen provides

  • a way to open a drawing area in full screen mode

    Application.run(backgroundColor, context -> {

    The context object (ApplicationContext) let you interact with the drawing area.

  • a way to get keyboard and mouse pointer events

    Event event = context.pollEvent();

    The event is either a keyboard event (KeyboardEvent) or a mouse pointer event (PointerEvent)

  • a way to draw on the drawing area

    context.renderFrame(graphics2D -> {
      // use the Graphics2D object to draw

How to use Zen with Eclipse ?

Download the jar file zen-6.0.jar then follow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11463354/how-to-put-a-jar-in-classpath-in-eclipse.

How to use Zen with Ant ?

Download the jar file zen-6.0.jar then follow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7057229/how-to-include-classpath-jars-into-a-jar-in-ant.

How to use Zen with Maven ?

The latest binary distribution of Zen is available on JitPack repository.

So first, you need to add Jitpack as a repository in the POM file,


and then add Zen as a dependency


How to use Zen with Gradle ?

The latest binary distribution of Zen is available on JitPack repository.

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.forax:zen:6.0'

How to use the Graphics2D object ?

Oracle has is a nice tutorial explaining how to use the class Graphics2D, https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/2d/

How to load images (PNG, JPEG, etc.) ?

Images can be loaded using the package imageio. Here is an example

String imageName = ...
BufferedImage image;
try(InputStream input = MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("/images/" + imageName)) {
  image = ImageIO.read(input);

With the images stored in a sub folder images of the jar file.

If you are using eclipse, if you create the folder images in src, it will be copied into bin automatically. If you are using maven or gradle, if you create the folder images in src/main/resources, it will be copied into target/classes automatically. If you are using ant, you have to copy the folder using the task copy.

The BufferedImage can later be drawn to the screen buffer using the method graphics2D.drawImage(image, x, y, null).

How can i create buttons and other graphics components

The idea of Zen is to provide just the bare minimum to draw something on screen, exposing an instance of Graphics2D. If you want graphics components, you have to implement them by yourself, on top of Zen, which is a nice exercice BTW.

Where is the javadoc of Zen ?

The javadoc is available online.

Is there a demo file of Zen ?

Yes, see Demo.java